Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Fifth Article of Faith

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

This Article of Faith is about priesthood authority.  This is a major difference between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and other Christian religions.

We know that the priesthood -- the authority to act in God's name -- was taken from the earth during the great apostasy (dark ages).  During this time -- from the time Jesus and His apostles died until the restoration of the priesthood through the prophet Joseph Smith in 1829 -- there was no priesthood on the earth.  No one had the authority to act in God's name.

Here it is how Elder L. Tom Perry explained it:
"What a glorious day it was for Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in May 1829 when they went into the woods to pray about the doctrine of baptism for the remission of sins that they had read about while translating the Book of Mormon. There were many teachings about baptism being taught by different churches in the early 1800s, and Joseph and Oliver knew they could not all be true. They wanted to know about the correct manner of baptism and also who had the authority to baptize.
"In answer to their petitions to the Lord, a messenger from heaven, John the Baptist, appeared to them. He placed his hands on their heads and conferred upon them the authority to baptize with these words: “Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer the Priesthood of Aaron” (D&C 13:1).
"What a marvelous day in the history of the world! The priesthood was restored to the earth.
"When we receive the priesthood, we receive the authority to act in the name of God and lead in ways of truth and righteousness. This authority is a vital source of righteous power and influence for the benefit of God’s children on earth and will last beyond the veil. It was necessary for the priesthood to be restored before the true Church of Jesus Christ could be organized." -- Elder L. Tom Perry, "The Doctrine of Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith", October 2013 General Conference
The priesthood was restored to the earth.  We now have the authority to act in God's name once again.  Only those priesthood holders who have been ordained to an office in the priesthood have that authority. To be ordained to an office in the priesthood -- to become a priesthood holder -- one must be worthy by striving to live the Commandments.  He must also have someone who already holds the priesthood lay their hands on his head and confer the priesthood on him.

Also in the Church, we must be called to certain positions by those in authority, namely the Bishop.  We can't just decide we want to be the Relief Society President or a Young Men's adviser etc.  We must be called by the Bishop of our Ward in which we reside who has the authority to extend that calling.  The Lord runs a house of order.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church on the face of the earth that has the restored Priesthood -- the authority to act in God's name.

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