Friday, July 6, 2018

Skulls Full of Mush

I've noticed that those who believe the lies that they listen to, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, acquire certain traits nearly universally.  They lose all common sense, they become very angry and hateful, they blame everyone else when they are at fault, their thinking becomes very irrational -- basically their skulls are full of mush.

I can't take credit for that phrase, Rush Limbaugh likes to use it when talking about the snowflakes who are educated in the public school system.  He likes to call them young skulls full of mush.  It basically refers to anyone who has been indoctrinated by the lies of the liberal leftist socialist democrats.  But I'm going to expand the definition to include anyone who believes lies over truth.

Speaking of Rush Limbaugh, I read yesterday on his website that Facebook censored part of the Declaration of Independence and removed it from their website because of "hate speech".  So if I remember correctly the story goes something like this: a newspaper or some kind of news outlet in Texas was posting the Declaration of Independence on their Facebook page in different sections.  I'm sure this had to do with Independence Day a couple of days ago.  Anyway one of the sections they posted was censored by Facebook and removed because of "hate speech".  Apparently the skulls full of mush that run Facebook are censor happy and consider the Declaration of Independence hateful.

Most likely the offensive to skulls full of mush phrase in the Declaration of Independence is "Indian savages".  Now, when the Declaration of Independence was written nearly a quarter of a millennium ago, the natives were considered savages by the early settlers.  At the time, that was an accurate description.  We know from The Book of Mormon, which contains a history of early American civilizations, that the Lamanites (principal ancestors of American Indians) fit the bill of savages to a tee.  Over the roughly thousand years of history of the Lamanites included in The Book of Mormon, almost all of it documents the savage nature of the Lamanites.  Especially at the end when all civilization was lost.
"O my beloved son, how can a people like this, that are without civilization—"  (Moroni 9: 11)
So apparently the skulls full of mush that run Facebook want to censor history because it's offensive to them. Yet, any leftist liberal socialist democrat can profanely spew hatred and anger towards people they don't agree with and that's totally acceptable.

Another example of the hypocrisy and lunacy of the left is their tantrum over children being taken from their lawbreaking criminal parents.  Which by the way is a policy instituted by Democrats.  They will throw a conniption fit over families being broken apart temporarily when they break the law to enter our country illegally.  Pretending they care about families and children.  Yet killing babies is something every good leftist liberal socialist Democrat celebrates.  You can't be a good Democrat without touting the laurels of abortion.  Talk about hypocrisy. In their skulls full of mush somehow killing innocent babies and ripping them out of their mother's wombs is something to be applauded.  But following a law implemented by Democrats and separating children (who are well cared for) from their criminal parents is unjustifiably cruel? Sick and twisted skulls full of mush.

The interesting thing is when people turn from righteousness to wickedness their skulls become full of mush.  When people start believing lies and turn from truth their skulls become full of mush.  When people turn from God and start following Satan's philosophies their skulls become full of mush. Bright righteous people become stupid when they willfully rebel against God and choose to follow the father of lies, Satan.

Unfortunately I've seen it happen first-hand to people very close to me.  As they turn from truth and righteousness, they turn from brilliance to skulls full of mush.  It’s extremely sad, yet it's happening more frequently as people are falling for Satan's deceptive lies and believing lies over truth.

Lies become a lot easier to swallow when they support you in your iniquity.  Truth becomes a bitter pill to swallow.

1 Nephi 16:2-3
2 And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.
3 And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.
 When you're living a life full of iniquity, it's a lot easier to walk around with your skulls full of mush, murmuring against truth, believing lies.  Because the truth is "offensive" and cutteth to the very center.

Life is a lot easier and happier, and your skulls aren't full of mush, when you believe truth rather than lies.

That's my two cents.

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