Saturday, July 28, 2018

Second Article of Faith

2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

Because of the fall of Adam and Eve we all live in a fallen state, separated from God and subject to physical death. The fall of Adam is part of God's plan.  Without the fall, we would not be here.  Because of the fall of Adam we are able to come to earth, gain a body and experience mortality.

Some churches teach the concept of "original sin" stemming from Adam's transgression.  We know that all people are only held accountable for their own actions, thoughts and words. We will not be held accountable nor punished for anyone else's sins or transgressions, including Adam's.

We can be negatively affected as a consequence of someone else's sins.  But it is not a punishment from God.  It is merely a ripple effect consequence of someone else's bad choices. For instance, when a spouse/parent chooses to walk out on their family, their remaining family members suffer dire consequences of that spouse/parent's choice.  When someone steals from someone else, the victim suffers the consequences of the thief's choice.  When someone is born with a mental or physical disability because their mother chose to put harmful substances into their body, the baby suffers the consequences of his mother's poor choices.  These are not punishments, they are the consequences of people exercising their agency.

Let's not confuse our trials with punishment.  We are here in mortality to be tried and tested and sometimes our trials are the consequences of someone else's poor choices.  But let's be clear that we will never be punished for someone else's sins or transgressions.  We will only be punished for our own sins, if we choose not to repent.

"Original sin" is a false doctrine.  We are not punished for Adam's transgression.  We are only responsible for our own sins. Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, the Savior paid the price for the transgression in the Garden of Eden. Through the atonement of our Savior we are given the blessing of repentance, and promised that, through our faithfulness, we can return to the presence of our Heavenly Father to live with Him forever.

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