Tuesday, August 28, 2018


A few days ago I was thinking about laws.  Because these wacko leftist liberals are always crying about needing better laws.  Any time there's a mass shooting they cry about better gun laws.  There is a lady running for political office who has put out several advertisements on television.  She always makes it a point to mention that she is a pediatrician as if that makes her more qualified to be a lawmaker. Weirdo. But anyway, one thing she said -- which apparently she thought was breaking news to everybody but is something everybody and their dog knows and learned in third grade -- that boys use guns to commit suicide.  So she said we need "common sense gun laws".  This is how clueless liberals are.  First of all, children, by law, cannot own guns.  Second, there are already too many gun laws which obviously don't work.  People still use guns to kill people.  Do these clueless wacko liberals really think that adding more "common sense gun laws" will stop lawbreakers from breaking the law?  Even if the wacko leftist legislators made guns illegal, criminals would still obtain guns and shoot people. Our founding fathers had common sense.  They understood that arming citizens actually helps protect the population.

By the way, did you notice that all of the recent mass shootings have been committed by wacko leftist liberals?  The media won't report that but it's true.  The most recent being the guy in Jacksonville Florida who shot up a bunch of people at the mall.  He was a Trump hating wacko leftist liberal.

Just because laws are enacted or on the books doesn't mean people will follow them.  There will always be criminals who break the law. There will always be evil people who do bad things.

Look at God's laws.  God's laws have been around since man has been around.  Did God's law stop Cain from murdering his brother Abel?  Does the law of chastity stop people from committing adultery, fornicating, or from committing any form of perversion, debauchery or lasciviousness?  I think I'm safe in saying that more people break the law of chastity than keep it.  What about the 10 Commandments?  Do they stop people from breaking the Sabbath, dishonoring their parents, or taking the Lord's name in vain?  What about when the 10 Commandments overlap with laws of the land?  Do people still murder, commit adultery, or steal?

Laws don't stop people from breaking them.  They just provide consequences. People have been breaking God's laws from the beginning.  People have been breaking laws of the land from the beginning.  Creating new "common sense laws" won't stop people who have no common sense.

The prophet Joseph Smith was a wise man.  He said he teaches people correct principles and they govern themselves. That is the only way to stop people from doing bad things.  It has to come from within.  People have to want to be good and do what's right.  If evil people want to do bad things, no amount of legislation will stop them.  Everybody has agency.

So to all the wacko leftist liberals who are clueless.  Let me clue you in.  No amount of legislation will stop evil people from doing bad things.  More "common sense laws" will have no effect on those without common sense.  Laws don't stop people from breaking them.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. And that's the truth! "More 'common sense laws' will have no effect on those without common sense."
