Friday, August 24, 2018

Twilight Zone

More and more I'm feeling like I'm living in the twilight zone.  I just can't believe the derangement of my fellow man.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only sane person left on planet Earth.  It's just unbelievable what goes on every day.

I will name just a few examples of what I've heard the past few days. 

First of all, Elizabeth Warren AKA Fauxcahontas.(She claims to be part Native American based solely upon her mother telling her she has high cheek bones).  She is a Democrat senator from Massachusetts.  I've heard she has aspirations to run for President in 2020.  Nobody in their right mind would vote for her.  But then again there are millions of people not in their right mind.

Anyway Senator Warren was asked to share her thoughts on the murder of Mollie Tibbets.  Mollie is a 20-year-old college student from Iowa who was out for a run and was murdered by an illegal alien.  Elizabeth Warren said that she was sorry for the family.  But what's really important about immigration reform is that families who illegally enter our borders should not be separated.  Here's the direct quote:
"I'm so sorry for the family here and I know this is hard not only for the family but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa.  But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are.
"Last month, I went down to the border and I saw where children had been taken away from their mothers.  I met with those mothers who had been lied to, who didn't know where their children were, who hadn't had a chance to talk to their children.
"And there was no plan for how they would be reunified with their children.  I think we need immigration laws that focus on people who pose a real threat and I don't think mamas and babies are the place we should be spending our resources.  Separating a mama from a baby does not make this country safer."  -- Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts
Seriously Elizabeth?!  The cold-blooded murder of an innocent young United States citizen by an illegal alien is not a "real threat" or a "real problem"?  The "real problem" and "real threat" is mothers being separated from their children when they enter our country illegally?  Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.  Twilight zone!

How did the mainstream media treat the story?  When they found out that it was an illegal alien who committed the murder they wanted nothing to do with the story.
"Oh, you mean that girl up in Iowa everybody at Fox is all upset about?  Is that who you mean?  That’s exactly what was said on MSNBC. Exactly as I just said it is how what came up on MSNBC. “Oh, that girl in Iowa that Fox is all consumed with?”  They didn’t even want to talk about it." -- Rush, August 22, 2018
They wouldn't even report Mollie's name.  They just called her "the girl in Iowa".  The media doesn't care about reporting truth.  All they care about is promoting their deranged leftist agenda. Their precious illegal alien voters are more important to leftist liberal Democrats than the life of a young innocent United States citizen. The fact that many illegal aliens are hard-core criminals doesn't concern leftist liberal Democrats.  All they care about is getting votes.

The Mollie Tibbets story proves Trump right about criminal illegal aliens raping and murdering innocent United States citizens -- amongst other crimes.

Elizabeth Warren crying about mamas being separated from babies not making the country safer is absurd and illogical.  The policy created by a Democrat president, Bill Clinton, was not put in place to make the country safer.  It is a policy put in place to deal with illegal aliens.  It has absolutely nothing to do with the murder of Mollie Tibbets by an illegal alien.  Elizabeth Warren is completely void of common sense.

Immigration reform to liberal leftist Democrats is letting every illegal alien into our country and not prosecuting them for anything.  Not even murder and rape. As long as they vote for Democrats, they get a pass.

Despite Nancy Pelosi's warped view that illegal aliens should not be prosecuted unless they do something illegal -- they are in this country illegally and therefore, by definition, have already committed a crime.  Here's your sign, Nancy.

According to Elizabeth Warren, Illegal aliens who rape and murder innocent US citizens are not "people who pose a real threat".  If rape and murder aren't real threats?  What is?   Apparently according to Elizabeth Warren the real threat is illegal alien mothers being separated from illegal alien babies temporarily.  What about Mollie Tibbets being separated from her family for the rest of their lives?  How can Elizabeth Warren hold a straight face while spewing so many unbelievable lies?  Because she's so deranged she really believes it.  Twilight zone!

Oprah Winfrey is evil.  She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  She acts like everybody's best friend yet she stands for everything that is wrong and evil.  She is the most racist person I've ever "known".  She single-handedly tried to destroy this country by getting Barack Hussein Obama elected to the presidency.  She promotes promiscuity by example.  Just to name a few.  And now I understand that in the July issue of her O magazine she is promoting the "Shout Your Abortion" movement. In the inspiration section no less.  Apparently the "Shout Your Abortion" campaign urges women to brag about their abortions to try to normalize the murder of innocent babies.  Pure evil.

I don't know of anyone who is proud of having an abortion.  Most women regret it or at least are sad about it.  It pains their heart.  At the very most they are indifferent.  But proud and happy?  That's deranged.  Who would be proud and happy about killing their unborn child?  Only a mad, insane person. Why would anyone want to "Shout Their Abortion" and brag about it?  Sheer lunacy. 

On his website, Rush Limbaugh had a picture of a woman -- I didn't recognize her but possibly an actress --wearing a dress with the word abortion and a heart symbol emblazoned all over it repeatedly.  She was smiling from ear to ear posing on the red carpet for the paparazzi. A very disturbed individual.  Twilight zone!

The next example is Chelsea Clinton. Same topic -- abortion. At a pro-abortion rally called "Rise up for Roe" on August 11 Chelsea said:
“It is not a disconnect fact that American Women entering the labor force from 1970 to 2009 added $3.5 trillion dollars to our economy. The net, new entrance of women, that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973" 
“So, whatever it is that people say they care about, I think you can connect to this issue. Of course I would hope that they would care about our equal rights and dignity to make our own choices, but it that is not sufficiently persuasive hopefully some these other arguments you are hearing expressed so beautifully, will be.”
I guess no one should be surprised that money is the most important thing to a Clinton.  The sheer disregard for human life is despicable.  Not only disregard for innocent human life but celebration of murder.  It's absolutely unfathomable.  Yet that is the world we live in now.

Franklin Graham had this to say in response to Chelsea Clinton's statement:
“Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, claims that legalizing abortion added trillions of dollars to the economy. What a lie. Hitler probably also claimed that killing the Jews would be good for their economy. Legalizing abortion hasn’t added anything to our country, it has only taken away. It has cost this nation more than 60 million lives—lives precious to God. Just think of the contribution these people would have made."
Franklin has a good point.  More than 60 million lives have been taken through abortion -- according to Franklin Graham -- what about the contribution to the economy those people could've made?  Chelsea didn't bother to respond to this.  She did however respond to a man on twitter:
 "Hi Erick - protecting reproductive health rights is first about protecting women’s human rights and health. From 1973-1985, American women’s deaths from abortion declined 5-fold. And, reproductive rights are about women’s economic rights and agency. It’s ... not the same at all."
"In the 1800's, slave owners said slavery was about economic rights.  Always and without fail the arguments of the abortion movement in the United States mirror the arguments of slave owners.  Both are grave evils."
Chelsea's lame response proves the depravity of the left. Using the statistic that women's deaths from abortion declined fivefold over the 12 year period from '73 to '85 is ridiculous.  First of all a decline means women are still dying from abortions.  If abortions were not performed, women would not die from abortions. Duh. Second of all the mortality rate for the baby is still 100% in abortions.  So how is that protecting rights and health?  And there again she mentions the economy.  Money money money.  Erick did make a good point about slavery being about economic rights mirroring Chelsea's argument about abortion rights being about economic rights.  So Chelsea's rebuttal was absurd.  By the way all those trillions of dollars in economic boom from women entering the workforce since 1973 is not all voluntary.  Some women have to work to support themselves and their kids because the husband/father chose to leave them without support. These leftist liberals have no common sense whatsoever.  Twilight zone!

How about Phil Mudd, an ex-CIA official. He was being interviewed on CNN regarding security clearance.  A panelist, Paris Dennard, stated that people want to keep their security clearances because they can make more money in contracts and consulting gigs with companies. The poor liberal, Phil Mudd, completely lost it. He started yelling at Paris Dennard telling him to get out.  "We're done.  Get out."  Paris Dennard, who remained calm during the exchange, replied that it wasn't his show -- he was a guest -- and he was not leaving.  These people -- leftists, liberals, Democrats -- are completely unhinged.  Always angry. They can't have anyone disagreeing with them or they just fly off the handle. Because they have no common sense rebuttal.  All they can do is get angry and scream.

Then there's Stevie Wonder claiming that global warming is what caused Aretha Franklin's pancreatic cancer. I read that on Rush a few days ago. These people don't know how insane they are.  They say all these weird things as if it was normal.  Twilight zone.

And then there is all this ongoing nonsense about people's sexuality and gender preferences.  With the media, the leftists, liberals, Democrats, (basically all working for Satan) continually telling us, trying to convince us, that all the different perversions, depravity, lasciviousness, debauchery are normal and we need to not only tolerate but embrace the debauchery, lasciviousness, depravity and perversions.  And if we don't there is something wrong with us.  We can't just let it be, that's not good enough for them.  We have to embrace it.  If we don't, we are intolerant and judgmental.  That's the message we are being sent by society.  By society I mean by Satan who controls the media, liberals and all those who fall for his lies.

The sad thing is so many people, unbelievably, actually believe the absurdity and lunacy being spewed constantly at us. It's getting worse and worse everyday.  These are just a few examples I've heard in the past few days.  Everyday gets more and more like the twilight zone.

To paraphrase Eliza R. Snow, I often feel like a stranger here.  Like I don't belong.  But I guess that's a good thing considering how far and fast the world is diverting from truth and righteousness.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is definitely like living in the Twilight Zone. Just like Governor Jay Inslee blamed Trump for the smoke filled air here in Washington from the Canadian fires. La-la land. In Isaiah 5:20 (Bible) it says, "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil;..." I just witnessed this today-- on social media where so-called "friends" refer to their "friends" with derogatory, disrespectful cuss words and the one on the receiving end considers it a "compliment." I immediately thought of "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil..."

    I heard a news reporter getting ticked off and complaining that people were talking about "some girl in Iowa" instead of some stupid politician that she thought should take priority in the news. HELLO! People act like political gossip is of greater importance than a college girl murdered in cold blood by an illegal. It's very pathetic and very much like living in the Twilight Zone.
