Saturday, August 11, 2018

Why Are Liberals Always Angry?

Have you ever noticed that liberals/leftists/Democrats are always angry?  Why is that?  The answer is easy.  It's because they don't like themselves.  Their lifestyle, their ideals, their skewed thinking, everything about them is contrary to that which is right and good.  When people live wicked lifestyles they cannot be happy.  Read Alma 41:10 if you don't believe me.

Ironically they try to portray themselves as loving and caring and moral.  When in reality they are selfish, callous, carnal and vulgar, always spewing hatred and anger towards those who don't agree with them.  They tend to use projection a lot.  They try to convince people that the Republicans/conservatives/Christians are racists, bigots, hypocrites, liars etc. when that is exactly what they are.  I could name numerous examples but I feel it's unnecessary.

Suffice to say that anyone who promotes murder, sexual sins and deviations, and all manner of lasciviousness and iniquity as normal and good cannot be truly happy while promoting evil.  Everyone, born with the light of Christ, knows right from wrong deep down in their core.  This is why they are so angry when they choose evil over good.  They are conflicted inside and their self-esteem tanks.

They will deny it.  They will say they've never been happier nor felt better about themselves.  They may even actually have convinced themselves to believe that.  But it's a lie.

It's extremely sad that so many people are deceived by the father of lies himself that they actually believe the garbage they spew in anger and hatred.  Often times directed at total strangers.  They have no common sense -- just listen to Rosie O'Donnell speak or any of them for that matter.  They are all hypocrites -- camera Hogg going to NRA headquarters to protest with armed security to protect him!  These people are so deranged that don't even see the hypocrisy.

My point is, you cannot do wrong and feel right.  It is impossible.  This is why the liberals/leftists/democrats are always angry. They call good evil and evil good.  They are internally conflicted.  Subconsciously (or consciously) they don't like themselves.

That's my two cents.

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