Monday, April 20, 2020

Dolly and Kenny

I just watched an interview where Dolly and Kenny interview each other.  There is a quote from each of them that I want to share with you.

They are both profound in their own way.
"A good friend will kill for you.  A true friend will help you hide the body."  -- Dolly Parton 
Dolly is always the quickwitted jokester. After Dolly said that, Kenny said "I'll help you hide the body."  It was funny.  Basically saying that he is Dolly's true friend.

Despite the macabre nature to the quote, there is a clever nugget of truth being taught.  True friends will stand by you and help you out in whatever you need, no matter what sacrifice it takes on their part.  This doesn't mean that they agree with or condone certain choices or behaviors but that they have unconditional love for you.

I think I should clarify that true friends will help you out in whatever you need as long as it is morally sound and not detrimental or harmful to you or others.  There is a moral line that has to be drawn but that's what makes the quote funny.

Thanks Dolly.
"We're all three people.  We're who we think we are.  We're who the audience thinks we are. And we're who we really are.  The closer those three people are together, the longer your career will last."  -- Kenny Rogers
Kenny's right, people don't like fake plastic people.  Dolly and Kenny both had long careers, so I guess they are both genuine, real people.  We know they have "Real Love".  :-)

I think that quote can apply to everybody not just entertainers.  Just replace the word audience with others.  And replace the longer your career will last with the more real or genuine you are.

People who put on a different face and change who they are depending on who they are around or with are plastic and most people will eventually see through the façade.  If you're not good enough to be you no matter who you're with or around, then maybe you should work on changing who you really are.

Thanks Kenny.

RIP Kenny Rogers.  August 21, 1938 - March 20, 2020

That's my two cents.

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