Saturday, April 25, 2020

COVID-19 Epidemiology in Washington State

 Out of curiosity, I wanted to look at the epidemiology records of COVID-19 in Washington.  Granted, the numbers are skewed.  We know there are a lot more cases than are being reported.  Either because they are mild or asymptomatic or just haven't been tested.  But, nonetheless I still see the classic bell curve.  I will mention a little bit about what I see on each graph.

This graph represents the number of confirmed cases in Washington State as of April 23. We have obviously reached the peak and are near the tail end.  The exact dates are not listed but it looks to have peaked some time in mid to late March or early April.

This graph represents the number of deaths in Washington State attributed to COVID-19.  Again, we have obviously peaked and are at the tail end of this pandemic here in Washington.

This graph represents confirmed cases by sex and age.  It looks pretty evenly distributed to me except in the 0 to 19 age group.  Which is underrepresented.  Basically proving that kids are not as affected by this coronavirus as older people are.

I'm guessing that the males are slightly underrepresented because they are less likely to seek treatment for illness.

This graph represents the number of deaths by sex and age.

To me, this graph is most interesting.  Even though males have fewer confirmed cases, they have more deaths.  But the biggest thing that jumps out at me is the number of deaths in the 0 to 19-year-old age group.  Zero! And the under 40 age group represents only 1% of COVID-19 deaths. And even the under 60 age group only represents 9% of deaths from this virus.

This is astonishing to me.  Knowing the predilection of this virus to sicken and kill old people (91% of deaths in Washington State are in people over age 60).  Why in the world are we shutting the state and country down and ruining the economy and severely disrupting peoples lives when the working-class and school-aged people rarely die from this virus?  And I guarantee those 9% in the 20 to 59 age group have comorbidities that contributed to or caused their death.

This is insane!

There is absolutely no reason that people cannot be working and going to school.

This graph represents the hospitalizations of people in Washington state with COVID-19 like illness.  This isn't even a representation of actual confirmed cases who were hospitalized.

So, anyone with a flu or cold or any respiratory symptoms who are hospitalized are included on this graph.

Nonetheless, hospitalizations peaked in mid to late March.  And once again we are at the tail end of the  bell curve.

This graph represents total numbers of confirmed cases by County.  I included this to show that basically all cases in Washington State are in three or four counties. Snohomish, King, Pierce by far represent the vast majority of cases in Washington.


This graph represents total number of deaths by County.  Only Snohomish and King counties have more than 80 deaths.  The majority of counties have less than 20 and many have zero.

The percent of deaths they have listed as 5.6%.  But I can guarantee you that is erroneous and vastly inflated.  I'm sure that number will change when it is realized that there are vastly more than 12,977 people who have had the virus.  Studies in California by Stanford and UCLA and even New York now is figuring out that many people have the antibody but never knew they had the virus.

I remember the Stanford numbers.  50-85 times more people infected than they thought.  Who now carry antibodies.  So the actual mortality rate is closer to .1%.  That means that 99.9% of people recover from this virus.

This entire tyrannical lockdown of our country is and was completely unnecessary.  There was absolutely no reason to shut down schools.  Kids are not susceptible to this virus.  There was absolutely no reason to shut down businesses and tell people they can't work. And what's even crazier is that they are still keeping everybody under lockdown, knowing the statistics!

Protect the old and vulnerable.  Which most of them don't go out much anyway.  But let people work and go to school.  This is sheer lunacy!

And the stinking liberal democrats are still saying it's too early to open the country up and get back to business.  Their true colors are showing through.  This is and always has been a political ploy to destroy the economy and President Trump.

Even the skewed numbers of liberal Washington State prove that this pandemic is waning and is at the tail end.

The whole reason to shut down the state and country was to "flatten the curve" so as not to overwhelm hospitals.  Well the curve is nearly nonexistent now.  Hospitals did not even get close to being overrun -- in fact just the opposite. They have lost tons of business.  A couple of days ago I got an e-mail from MultiCare informing me that their emergency rooms are still open.  Basically begging for business.  Ironically, hospitals are hurting for business.  And even more so are those who are considered "nonessential" who have been shut down for over a month.

For heaven's sake -- let everyone have their normal lives and freedoms back.

Obviously Idiot Inslee has these numbers and graphs.  I got them from the State government website.  So what is he waiting for?  To completely destroy and devastate the state economy and the lives of all Washingtonians?  

Lift all restrictions now!  

That's my two cents.  


  1. Yes. It's beyond time to lift restrictions that never should have been there in the first place! Crazy. Literally had a guy with a yard stick being the social distancing police in line at the check out today. It was insane.

  2. Amen! Thanks for this awesome research! Open it up!! Juliet
