Monday, February 15, 2021

Romney the Reprobate

About a year ago I wrote a blog post that I titled "Romney the RINO".  That was after he was the only Republican senator to vote to impeach President Trump last year.  Everything I said back then is still true.  

Mitt Romney is a despicable hypocrite reprobate.  I honestly don't know how he can live with himself.  He has deceived and betrayed the people of Utah who voted for him to represent them in the United States Senate.  He has voted to impeach an innocent man twice.  Everything he votes for goes against the values of those he represents in Utah and against the values he supposedly believes as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints.

Mitt Romney is a corrupt swamp dweller.  Like all politicians -- especially career politicians like Mitt -- he has become drunk with power and is wantonly exercising unrighteous dominion.

Doctrine and Covenants 121:39

"We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion."

Like the Scripture says, it is human nature to exercise unrighteous dominion when people are given a little power.  But I tend to hold members of the church to a higher standard because they have been taught truth.  They should know better.  I would be disgusted with Mitt Romney no matter what.  But the fact that not only is he a member of the church, but he has also held various leadership callings in which he should understand the severity of what he is doing, makes his behavior even worse.

The way I see it, Mitt Romney must be involved in some serious illegal activities to have become so corrupt and evil.  He even has a dark countenance.  Anyone who fights against truth, right, and good like Mitt Romney does, has to be deeply involved in something evil.

To say that voting to impeach an innocent man on drummed up fake charges is upholding the Constitution is pure hypocrisy.  Voting to impeach President Trump on false accusations is ripping the Constitutiion to shreds.  Not upholding it.

I honestly don't know why or how anyone could fight against President Trump so hard.  All President Trump ever did was make America great again.  Everything President Trump did was to protect and preserve our nation, its constitution, and its people.

To fight against President Trump, to vote to impeach him over some made up allegations is to fight against truth, right, and good.  It is to destroy our nation and its constitution.  And it is pure evil.  That is Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney is a disgrace and embarrassment to the church, the people of Utah, and to our country.  Mitt Romney is a RINO.  Mitt Romney is a swamp dweller.  Mitt Romney is corrupt.  Mitt Romney is despicable.  Mitt Romney is a hypocrite.  Mitt Romney is a reprobate.  Mitt Romney is evil.

That's my two cents.

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