Friday, October 22, 2021

Deranged Leftist Hypocrisy

Alec Baldwin just shot and killed someone on a movie set and is already blaming someone else.  Typical leftist.

First of all, if Alec Baldwin is so anti-gun as he professes to be -- he called for a ban on guns after Sandy Hook and has made clear his disdain for the Second Amendment -- why is he using a gun on a movie set?

Typical leftist/liberal hypocrite.

You may argue that as an actor he was just doing his job -- which happened to be shooting someone with a "prop" gun.  If he is morally opposed to guns, why is he taking roles that require him to use guns?  I'm sure there are plenty of other roles he could choose.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but if someone handed me a gun and told me to shoot someone with it, even if they told me it wasn't loaded or was loaded with blanks, I would personally check the gun to make sure before I shot it.  And even so, I would never aim directly at someone and pull the trigger.  I'm sure with camera angles they can make it look like the aim was direct without it being direct.

And I would think that, especially being a rabid anti-gun leftist, Alec Baldwin would want to be extra careful handling a gun.  Not just trust some guy who hands him a gun.  But that's exactly who Alec Baldwin is blaming.  "Why was I handed a hot gun?"  The greater question is why did you shoot someone with a gun?  Why aren't you responsible for your own actions? Why are you even handling a gun?

Guess what, Alec Baldwin?  If you weren't a leftist hypocrite, this tragedy would not have happened.  You decry guns and say they should be banned.  Yet you point a gun at someone and pull the trigger?  Hypocrite.

There is a serious hypocrisy issue with leftists who claim to be morally superior but are very much morally inferior.  Do as I say not as I do seems to be their mantra.

This may very well be a tragic accident -- although I have my doubts.  I think this is beyond carelessness on someone's part.  Whatever happened, it still doesn't change the fact that a 42-year-old woman is dead and another guy is injured at the hand of Alec Baldwin.

My point is not to kick Alec Baldwin while he is down.  I'm just pointing out another example of deranged leftist hypocrisy.  It is rampant.

That's my two cents.

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