Monday, October 11, 2021

You've Got to Stand for Something

I don't care where you stand on Covid vaccinations -- every American should stand for freedom and oppose vaccine mandates.

People shouldn't have to choose between putting experimental genetic material (COVID vaccine) into their bodies against their will and keeping their job.  Yet, that's what many people are facing in this country.  It is absolutely un-American.  It is evil.

So many Americans have been forced to take "the jab" or lose their job.  Unfortunately, most have chosen to risk their health (deleterious side effects) and take the COVID "vaccine" to keep their job.  People have to provide for themselves and their families and are not left with much of a choice.  At least not an easy, convenient choice. 

There are those who are willing to risk everything to stand for freedom,  though. I just read of an anesthesiologist at UCLA Medical Center -- Christopher Rake, M.D. -- who dared to show up to work and was escorted away because he is not vaccinated against COVID.

“They are escorting me out of the building. This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes.  But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything; job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.” -- Christopher Rake, M.D., October 4, 2021

Doctor Rake is a true American.  Aaron Tippen sang, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything".  Doctor Rake is standing for freedom.  We need more people like him to keep our country from falling into tyranny, communism, and oppression.

Yesterday I read a headline about Southwest Airlines canceling over 1,000 flights.  Then today, I woke up to news of Southwest Airlines canceling nearly 2,000 flights over the weekend and more today.  Why?  Because the Southwest Airlines pilots decide to take a stand against the draconian vaccine mandates by having a sickout.  

The Southwest Airlines pilots union is denying a sickout for legal reasons.  And Southwest Airlines is claiming weather and air traffic control issues as the cause.  But that's absurd because why would that only affect one airline?  And it just so happens that the Southwest Airlines pilots union recently filed a lawsuit against the vaccine mandates.  It doesn't take an Einstein to put two and two together to realize that this is an obvious sickout to protest the vaccine mandates.

Of course the media is covering up the real reason for the chaos of thousands of flight cancellations.  Heaven forbid they report anyone actually fighting for their freedoms in America.  No, anyone not blindly following their oppressive mantra of lies must be silenced.

Doctor Rake and the Southwest Airlines pilots and others willing to risk their livelihood and more to fight back against the tyranny we are facing and stand for freedom gives me hope.  Hope that America will remain a free country.  A country where people are free to make their own choices unabated by tyrannical government restrictions.

"You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything."

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!! Finally, people are standing up for freedom! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Love to see it!!
