Monday, April 3, 2023

General Conference and Easter

I know it's been a while since I've blogged so I thought I would just write a quick little post about General Conference and Easter.

I love General Conference.  It is always uplifting and spiritually renewing.  This conference especially because everything was focused on our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Even all the songs!  It was awesome.

In fact, President Oaks' whole talk was quoting Jesus from the Scriptures.  Palm Sunday was mentioned more during this weekend than in all other previous conferences combined.

I thought Uncle Gary might speak this conference because it's been six years since he last spoke in General Conference. He didn't.  But we did get to hear from some of his colleagues that were called to be general authority seventies at the same time he was, so I'm thinking probably in October he will speak.

I don't think any of the transcripts are out yet.  So I can't post any quotes, but I will give a synopsis.  Our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, spoke about contention and speaking ill of others.  Obviously he told us to avoid those things. He encouraged us to be peacemakers.  Try to find something virtuous, lovely, or of good report in people instead of seeing only the bad.  He said that a good way to discern a true follower of Jesus Christ is by how compassionately they treat others. He made a funny joke about everybody thinking that it applies to someone else.  Brother or sister so and so sure need to hear this.  But he said to look introspectively to see if we can improve ourselves.  He also announced 15 new temples to be built around the world.  This brings the total to 315 temples announced, under construction, or operating.  The prophecy that temples will dot the earth is being fulfilled.

Interestingly, two talks were given on patriarchal blessings.  But most of the talks focused on Christ and His atoning sacrifice – including His resurrection which we are obviously celebrating this coming Easter Sunday.  I also loved that all of the music was also focused on our Savior.  One of my favorite songs, "This Is the Christ" was performed by the Tabernacle choir.

The older I get the faster conference seems to fly by.  Each two hour session seemed like 20 minutes.  I'm grateful for the opportunity we have twice a year to hear from our prophets, seers, and revelators and other church leaders.  Elder Holland was sick and was not present – and was dearly missed.  I think he's one of everybody's favorite speakers.  He doesn't seem to be doing well and may be graduating soon.  But hopefully he'll be back in October.

This is a crazy, messed up world we live in.  And, unfortunately, it's getting worse.  That's why General Conference is such a welcome respite from the world, a beacon of light in an ever darkening world, and a much-needed spiritual uplift.

I hope we will all focus and reflect on our Savior, Jesus Christ, this week as it is Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter).  One of the quotes I really liked from conference (I can't remember who said it) but he said that the reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Easter.

I wish Easter was celebrated like Christmas is.  Celebrating our Savior's birth is wonderful.  But the reason He was born – is what we celebrate at Easter.

I am so thankful for my Savior and for his unconditional love and sacrifice for me.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. General Conference was amazing! I love it so much. I also love Easter. Greatest celebration there is. And the reason I love both of those, is because I love my Savior, Jesus Christ! I am grateful for the time to focus on Him and celebrate Him and all He has done for all of us. This will most likely be the best month of the entire year.
