Thursday, April 20, 2023

Quotes for LGBT Sunday School Lesson

The following are quotes I found and printed out for our Sunday School lesson on LGBT.  Unfortunately, we didn't have time to read most of them.  But they are really good quotes from General Authorities teaching doctrine/truth.  Here they are:

The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood (March 2006 Ensign)
By Elder M. Russell Ballard, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
From an Education Week devotional address given on August 19, 2003, at Brigham Young University.

“Sadly, the family continues to be assaulted relentlessly throughout the world. You need only to read a newspaper or turn on the television to see how openly and viciously the war against the family is being waged. Gender is being confused, and gender roles are being repudiated.

"Same-gender marriage is being promoted in direct opposition to one of God’s primary purposes—for His children to experience mortality.

"The family is not just the basic unit of society; it is the basic unit of eternity. We lived as Heavenly Father’s spirit sons and daughters before this mortal existence. In that grand premortal family council, our Heavenly Father’s plan for the eternal happiness and peace of His children was presented. We understood that we would come to this earth to live as families, and through the sealing authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood, we could live throughout the rest of eternity as families.

"It is alarming to see how intensely and openly the family is under attack in contemporary society.

"We must stand firm, brothers and sisters, at this time when the adversary is using differing lifestyles in an attempt to replace the marriage of one man to one woman.

"When you stop and think about it from a diabolically tactical point of view, fighting the family makes sense. When Satan wants to disrupt the work of the Lord, he doesn’t poison the world’s peanut butter supply, thus bringing the Church’s missionary system to its collective knees. He doesn’t send a plague of laryngitis to afflict the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He doesn’t legislate against green Jell-O or casseroles. When Satan truly wants to disrupt the work of the Lord, he attempts to confuse gender and he attacks God’s plan for His children.

"…Satan knows that the surest and most effective way to disrupt the Lord’s work is to diminish the effectiveness of the family and the sanctity of the home. Look at what he accomplishes when he does that.

"Lucifer is the enemy of the family!”

(Elder M Russell Ballard, The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood, March 2006 Ensign)

The following quotes are from an interview in 2006 with Elder Dallin H Oaks, Of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles and Elder Lance B Wickman, Of the Seventy.  These are their answers to the questions they were asked.  (I did not include the questions).  I added the headings to make them easier to find while teaching.  Here are the quotes:

Homosexual lifestyle

“ This is much bigger than just a question of whether or not society should be more tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle. Over past years we have seen unrelenting pressure from advocates of that lifestyle to accept as normal what is not normal, and to characterize those who disagree as narrow-minded, bigoted and unreasonable. Such advocates are quick to demand freedom of speech and thought for themselves, but equally quick to criticize those with a different view and, if possible, to silence them by applying labels like “homophobic.” –Elder Dallin H Oaks, 2006

Same-sex attraction

“…same-gender attraction did not exist in the pre-earth life and neither will it exist in the next life. It is a circumstance that for whatever reason or reasons seems to apply right now in mortality, in this nano-second of our eternal existence.” – Elder Lance B Wickman, 2006

Homosexual activity

“In the eternal perspective, same-gender activity will only bring sorrow and grief and the loss of eternal opportunities.” – Elder Dallin H Oaks, 2006

Inability to marry in this life

“There’s really no question that there is an anguish associated with the inability to marry in this life. We feel for someone that has that anguish. I feel for somebody that has that anguish. But it’s not limited to someone who has same-gender attraction.

We live in a very self-absorbed age. I guess it’s naturally human to think about my own problems as somehow greater than someone else’s. I think when any one of us begins to think that way, it might be well to look beyond ourselves. Who am I to say that I am more handicapped, or suffering more, than someone else?” – Elder Lance B Wickman, 2006

Same-sex "marriage" (redefining marriage)

“We’re not trying to regulate people, but this notion that ‘what happens in your house doesn’t affect what happens in my house’ on the subject of the institution of marriage may be the ultimate sophistry of those advocating same-gender marriage.

Some people promote the idea that there can be two marriages, co-existing side by side, one heterosexual and one homosexual, without any adverse consequences. The hard reality is that, as an institution, marriage like all other institutions can only have one definition without changing the very character of the institution. Hence there can be no coexistence of two marriages. Either there is marriage as it is now defined and as defined by the Lord, or there is what could thus be described as genderless marriage. The latter is abhorrent to God, who, as we’ve been discussing, Himself described what marriage is — between a man and a woman.

A redefinition of that institution, therefore, redefines it for everyone — not just those who are seeking to have a so-called same gender marriage. It also ignores the definition that the Lord Himself has given.” – Elder Lance B Wickman, 2006

Summary on same-sex attraction, homosexuality

“God loves all of His children. He has provided a plan for His children to enjoy the choicest blessings that He has to offer in eternity. Those choicest blessings are associated with marriage between a man and a woman by appropriate priesthood authority to bring together a family unit for creation and happiness in this life and in the life to come.

"We urge persons with same-gender attractions to control those and to refrain from acting upon them, which is a sin, just as we urge persons with heterosexual attractions to refrain from acting upon them until they have the opportunity for a marriage recognized by God as well as by the law of the land. That is the way to happiness and eternal life. God has given us no commandment that He will not give us the strength and power to observe. That is the Plan of Salvation for His children, and it is our duty to proclaim that plan, to teach its truth, and to praise God for the mission of His Son Jesus Christ. It is Christ’s atonement that makes it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and His resurrection that gives us the assurance of immortality and the life to come. It is that life to come that orients our views in mortality and reinforces our determination to live the laws of God so that we can qualify for His blessings in immortality.” – Elder Dallin H Oaks, 2006

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