Saturday, June 1, 2024

Trump Falsely Convicted

This will be short but I had to say something.  I can't believe what's happening to our country.  President Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts.  What is he guilty of?  Running for reelection as President of the United States of America.  None of this would've happened if he wasn't.  

It's obvious that Biden and his Democrat cohorts couldn't find any dirt on Trump so they had to make up some bogus charges that don't even make sense.  This is blatant election interference and obviously politically motivated.

The judicial system is corrupt.  The judge and jurors are all Biden supporters and Trump haters.  This should never ever ever have happened.  It's disgraceful.

This kind of stuff happens in Third World countries, not the United States of America.

It's been prophesied that the Constitution will hang by a thread in the last days.  Seems to me that the thread has been cut and the Constitution has fallen.

On the bright side, I think a lot of people who were Biden supporters before are starting to see the truth and are now realizing the evil and corruption of the Democrats and specifically the Biden administration.  Many of these people are now turning to Trump and will vote for him in November.

And it is also rallying Trump's base. Trump received over $50,000,000 in donations in the 24 hours after the verdict.

I think the Democrats strategy has backfired on them.  Americans don't take kindly to political corruption.  For a sitting President and his corrupt Democrat party to go after his political opponent – a former President no less – using the judicial system, charging him, and convicting him criminally is unprecedented, evil, and the epitome of corruption. 

I just hope and pray that the conviction will be overturned and Trump won't have to do any jail time.  Time will tell.  But regardless, I'm confident that Donald Trump will be reelected in November.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Bogus charges. Bogus conviction. And if the corruption of the judicial system puts him behind bars--he will STILL BE ELECTED President of The United States of America in November. The world can see right through this nonsense. Those who can't have their heads stuck in CNN and MSNBC nonstop. Pathetic.
