Saturday, May 25, 2024

CCPM Graduation, 23 Years Ago

23 years ago today, on May 25th, 2001, I graduated from California College of Podiatric Medicine.  It was the culmination of a goal I had had since I was six years old.  To become a doctor.  It was a memorable experience and I was lucky to have many loving, caring family members there to support me.

Walking off the stage with my diploma!

Receiving my diploma from Dr. Burns.

CCPM graduating class of 2001

Fancy dinner at the CCPM graduation ball.  Poor Lisa couldn't come because she had to stay at the hotel to watch her kids.  :-(

Going to the graduation ball May 24, 2001

At the hotel getting ready to go to the graduation.

Dancing with Dad  at CCPM graduation ball May 24, 2001

All the family who came to support me and witness my graduation from CCPM.  San Francisco, California. May 25, 2001

The 23 years since this day have been quite a ride.  Certainly not how I expected my life to turn out.  But even though I never got to use my Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree, I have no regrets about earning it and all the work that went into it.  It is an accomplishment that I'm proud of and would do it again.

Thanks to all my family members who made the sacrifice and effort to travel to San Francisco to support me at my CCPM graduation in earning my DPM degree.  I appreciate all of you.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. What an accomplishment it is!!!!! Can't believe it's been 23 years. I remember the day well. So happy we could be there. It was awesome! Kicking it in the hotel with my kids while you were all at the ball was still a party! That was a pretty nice place. :)
    Fun was had by all-- much deserved after all that hard work!
