Thursday, August 13, 2009

Socialism in the United States

A friend sent me an e-mail with these quotes. It's pretty scary that 65 years later, Norman Thomas's prediction is now reality.

A Socialist Party candidate for President of the USA, Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech: "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform."

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ~~Margaret Thatcher

The stupidity of my fellow American citizens still amazes me. It's hard for me to fathom that anyone with half a brain would vote for Obama. Or as I like to call him, Korihor. It is obvious to me and many others that he is destroying our country from the inside. As I have said before, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. But I can't place all the blame on him. He is just the instrument in Satan's hand. The American people gave him the power he now has to destroy our wonderful country. Along with many others in political office. It hasn't taken very long to turn a once free, moral, hard-working, God-fearing country into the socialistic, amoral, apathetic, expecting something for nothing country we've become.

As Margaret Thatcher said, mine and other taxpayers money will eventually run out. The smart people who are wise with their money are having to bail out, against their will, all the stupid people who make poor financial decisions i.e. stimulus package, CARS program, so-called health care reform, etc.. The hard-working, moral taxpayers can only support the lazy, amoral, good for nothing leeches for so long. Socialism doesn't work.

That's my two cents.


  1. I never did see a sheep--only an obvious, plain as day wolf out to destroy. And that's my two cents.

  2. I agree with you Tam. It's ridiculous that when you "own" a piece of land here, you still have to do what the authoritarians say. If I own a piece of land, I should be able to do whatever I want with it. I should be able to start digging a hole to China if I see fit. It is socialistic.

  3. I wish everyone in this United States could read your comments. They are so 'right on'. Keep it up. You go girl.....

  4. I love that quote by Margaret Thatcher. It is so true. The crazy thing is that, as a nation, we have proven that we already ARE out of money! And yet the socialist agenda marches on - almost as if the goal is self-destruction (which I think it is - that is how Obama and whoever is behind him and gain more control).

    BTW - I am your second cousin, I believe. We share the same great grandmother (Wall).
