Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Political Advertisements

Do you know what really irks me?

Well, a lot of things but, yesterday while I was watching Jeopardy I was really getting perturbed. I'm absolutely sick of political advertisements. This time of year, that's practically all you see on TV, besides R-rated television promotions for scumbag sitcoms and dramas. But that's another story.

Up here in the liberal Pacific Northwest, we have been bombarded with political advertisements for a referendum in favor of homosexual rights. I really cannot stomach political advertisements showing homosexuals complaining about the so-called "injustices" they face.

For one thing, these advertisements are shown during prime time family television viewing. It is absolutely wrong to subject children to these sinful lies. Not only children, but all people who are only trying to catch up on the local news or watch an innocent show like Jeopardy. It's absolutely ridiculous.

What happened to the days when people were actually ashamed of committing sin? Now, they are not only proud of their sinful lifestyle, but they flaunt it on TV. In so doing, they are convincing many vulnerable people into believing their lies. It is yet another example of the power the media has over people's lives. Satan is an expert in playing on people's emotions to convince them that lies are truth. This is what these commercials attempt to do. But for me, all they do is make steam come out of my ears, and make my blood boil.

That's my two cents.

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