Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Plague Called Bikini Baristas

My sister-in-law tackled this topic on her blog yesterday. So I wanted to add my two cents. Thankfully, I have not personally been touched by this plague. But, I have seen the stories on the news, and read news articles about this problem, And apparently, this plague has affected my brother and nephews.

The plague of which I speak is bikini baristas. Which apparently, is a misnomer. Because they are not clothed except for some pieces of adhesive material. The fact that this is even an issue in our society is absurd. This is something I’m would expect to hear about coming from Europe or Brazil. But here, in the United States of America, we have decency laws. Well, supposedly.

What happened to the days when perverted scumbags had to go to a shady part of town to a dark dingy strip club or adult bookstore to get their jollies? What happened to laws about places of ill repute being far away from schools, neighborhoods, and basically anywhere that children may be? Let alone, decent people who don’t want to see naked women selling coffee in the middle of town. Or worry about their children being exposed to this plague, and being scarred for life.

Yet, people going about their everyday business are being exposed to the plague of naked women selling coffee. And the law does nothing about it. It’s mind-boggling. How do these people get licenses to do business? Why does the law allow this to happen? I’ve read in the news about many people complaining. So why is nothing being done? My guess is, it comes down to two things. Money and morals. Our society has become so amoral that many people don’t see anything wrong with these establishments. And, of course these establishments are making a lot of money so that’s what fuels the fire.

Well, it is unabashedly wrong. People driving through town to go grocery shopping, or deposit a check at the bank, or even driving their kids to school, or for whatever reason, should not have to be exposed to naked women selling coffee. It is called indecent exposure, and I’m pretty sure it’s still on the books.

I’m not sure if this plague is localized to Western Washington, or more widespread. I would hope it’s the former. I sure hope this plague epidemic is eradicated before it becomes a pandemic. If it hasn’t already. I’m not going to hold my breath.

That’s my two cents.


  1. It is really absurd.
    They don't allow home owners to build on their own property, and riduculous things such as having to plant a certain amount of trees on your property (certain type, certain size) and yet they have no laws to prevent indecent exposure on our public streets and shopping centers??? Something is really WRONG!!! Oh, don't get me started!!!

  2. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who wants this "crap" to stop!

  3. Well said Tam ! You always have a way with words. I guess that is why you are a Doctor and I am not:) Anyway, I blame the business owners and the laws of this state we call Washington. Something should be done to shut these types of places down, but I am afraid we are just going to see more and more of them. It is indeed a shame!
