Thursday, September 16, 2010


As I was watching Good Morning America this morning, I read something that is quite disturbing. As the news scrolled across the bottom of the screen, I read that an Ohio mother is accused of teaching her two-year-old daughter to smoke pot.

I have two nephews who are also two years old, and I can't imagine anybody harming them in such a way, least of all their own mothers. That is just unfathomable.

It is a mother's responsibility to nurture, and protect her children. Not to harm them. It is a mother's responsibility to teach her children correct principles. Not to teach them to break the law by using illegal drugs. But this goes way beyond that. This is a two-year-old baby whose own mother is not only damaging her delicate young body and growing brain by making the child smoke marijuana. But is also teaching her that putting harmful substances into her body is what she is supposed to do.

A two-year-old! Her own mother teaching her to smoke marijuana! I just don't have words to describe how horrible/terrible/unbelievable/unfathomable/sickening this is. It makes my heart hurt.

I know this world is no better than Sodom and Gomorrah was. I know we live in an extremely wicked time. I know people do horrible things all the time. I just hate to hear about it. It makes me sick.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. You are right- there are no words to describe how horribly disgusting this is.
