Sunday, February 13, 2011

Even at Church

I did a blog post a while ago about people parking in handicapped loading zones. Well, today after church was over, there was a vehicle parked in the wheelchair loading zone right next to our van.

Unbelievable! Don't people realize that when a van is parked in a handicapped parking space that perhaps there might be wheelchair that needs to load in the loading zone?

I think there are about five or six handicapped parking spaces at our chapel. Even with both wards there at the same time, I doubt there are that many wheelchairs, who need to use the loading zone.

I find it to be extremely rude and selfish for someone, especially a member of the Church, to park in the loading zone between two handicapped parking spaces.

When our ward is on the later schedule we usually end up parking in the street because all of the handicapped parking spaces are taken. Why can’t the person who parked in my loading zone do the same thing?

Because that vehicle parked in the loading zone there was no way for me to get down the ramp (the car parked right in front of it). And there definitely wasn’t room to load. So, Dad had to back up and move the van to the curb where I could load.

I know the vehicle that parked in the loading zone was not carrying a passenger in a wheelchair. There’s no way that a wheelchair could have loaded or unloaded. Because they parked in a loading zone, it was very tight between vehicles.

The loading zones between handicapped parking spaces are there for a reason. To make loading and unloading wheelchair passengers possible. I get irked enough when people park in handicapped parking spaces who are not wheelchair-bound, and jump out and walk or run in to the building. But, to park in a wheelchair loading zone right next to a van, which most likely carries a wheelchair passenger, is inexcusable. Especially at Church.

That’s my two cents.


  1. I have been trying to type up a comment on this for about 30 minutes. It is really disappointing and quite upsetting that some people do not know simple courtesy.
    Sorry you have to deal with this. I know this isn't the first time this has happened to you.

  2. I agree Big "T", but now tell us how you really feel.
    Love, Dad
