Monday, November 12, 2012

Ode to Mitt Romney

I’m still having a hard time coping with the results of the recent election. I don’t believe that Mitt Romney actually lost the election. I believe it was corruption and voter fraud that tipped the scales to Obama.

Just one example. My brother’s running buddy told him that one of his relatives went to vote at a polling place in Ohio. Upon entering the polling place an election official, of some sort, asked him which party he supports. When he told them Republican, he was told he would have to find another place to vote. Unbelievable!

 But that’s not what this blog post is about. I was thinking about Mitt Romney and his family. I was thinking about all of the hatred and anger directed at them. I don’t know Mitt Romney or his family. Everything I know about them is what I’ve gathered from the media. But I do feel a deep gratitude to the Romneys for their sacrifice and love for me as a citizen of the United States of America.

 Even though (sadly) Mitt Romney will not be the next President of the United States of America, I know that he and Ann worked tirelessly during the campaign so that they might save this nation from the brink of destruction. I know they were motivated by love of country, not revenge. I know they felt a deep sense of responsibility to help this country get back on the right path. But unfortunately, they will not get the chance to help us.

I don’t know why there is so much anger and hatred directed at Mitt Romney. As far as I’m aware, he has done nothing but try to help people. Much of his life has been dedicated to serving others. As far as being a rich businessman goes, since when is that a bad thing? In the America I know, we applaud success.

I didn’t grow up wealthy. In fact, my parents struggled quite a bit. My dad was unemployed for a time and we never had much money. I was raised in a duplex. Good old 192! We never thought of wealthy people as evil or the bad guy. Where did that come from? Good for them if they are successful in business. Isn’t that the type of person you would want running your country?

As I mentioned, I don’t know anything about Mitt Romney except what I gathered from the media. Some things I do know about him:

1.       He is a brilliant businessman.

2.       He saved the 2002 Olympics.

3.       He is a returned missionary.

4.       He served as bishop.

5.       He served as stake president.

6.       He and his wife, Ann, raised five boys.

7.       All of his boys served missions.

From the above list I can conclude that Mitt Romney has helped countless people. To serve as a bishop and stake president, and even as a missionary, requires dedication, hard work, much sacrifice, and a love for the people you are serving. I’m sure many stories could be told about Mitt Romney and his service to others. But, they never will be because that’s not what a good disciple of Christ does. You don’t  gloat about serving others.

In fact, I found out something that I didn’t know until last week. Ann Romney’s brother is one of the men who donated  a lobe of one of his lungs to my cousin. It saved her life. That was 13 years ago, I think. Since then, my cousin has been able to graduate from college and get married. And live a somewhat normal life. Those are the kinds of people the Romneys are. Those are the kinds of stories you never hear about, unless it is through the recipient of the selfless service.

I am really sad that Mitt Romney will never get the chance to help our nation by becoming the next president of the United States. In fact, I was so distraught last week that I shed tears of pain almost every day over it.

I know Mitt Romney would have done an excellent job in helping our economy recover and leading us back down the right path. I think he would have been one of our best presidents.  On the same level as Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln. It wouldn’t have been easy but at least he could have gotten us on the right path. I know he would have worked hard and done everything he could to help this nation.

 Ann Romney would have been an exceptional first lady. She would have brought back dignity and elegance to the White House. The Romneys would have actually been good examples for the citizens of the United States to look up to and try to emulate.

To me, the choice was obvious. It really was about good versus evil. Unfortunately, evil prevailed. Our nation is now continuing on a downward spiral toward socialism. There’s nothing we can do but weather the storm. I did all I could do to prevent it, I voted. The second coming is being hastened.

Mitt and Ann Romney went above and beyond their civic call of duty. They are true patriots. And I applaud and thank them for their efforts.

That’s my two cents.

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