Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Saddest Day in the History of America

Yesterday the American people (along with plenty of voter fraud and corruption, I’m sure) voted to reelect Obama for a second term. I honestly did not think this was possible. I am still in shock. I grossly overestimated the intelligence, decency, and righteousness of my fellow Americans. I am referring, of course, to those who voted for Obama.

It is unfathomable to me that half the people in this nation are so stupid. I’m not even sure stupid is the right word. They are beyond stupid.

It doesn’t take an Einstein, it doesn’t even take a third grade education, to figure out how much destruction Obama has already leveled on our country.

There is a stark difference between Romney’s motives for running for president and Obama’s.

Romney wanted to become President of the United States as an act of service. Because he knew that he could help get the country back on track. He knew that he could help create jobs. He has the expertise to help the economy recover. He loves this country. He wanted to help people.

Obama on the other hand, is coldhearted and self-serving. All he wants to do is destroy this nation. His motive for running was power. Anyone with half a brain can see that. Obama does not care about this great nation nor does he care about the American people. He isn’t called the “I” president for nothing. This morning Lisa and I deemed him, President Satan.

Yesterday was the saddest day in American history. And I don’t say that lightly. There have been many tragic events that this nation has endured. The terrorist attacks of 9/11/01, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Black Tuesday, natural disasters, and most recently the murder of four Americans in Benghazi Libya. To name a few.

I truly believe that the reelection of Obama trumps all of them as more devastating to this great nation. I say that because Obama is destroying this nation from within. It is not like an attack from the outside which is very visible and defendable. It’s like a cancer that has metastasized and is killing you from within. This nation has been on life support for the past four years. And the American people have now pulled the plug.

The mainstream media have worked their magic and gotten their pet reelected. I’m not even going to start with how they favorably portray Obama and unfavorably portray Romney. Let me just say this, Obama should be doing hard time for allowing those Americans to be murdered in Libya. And the media, which covered it up, should join him. At the very least, Obama should be removed from office.

I was so optimistic when the votes were being counted. I was looking forward to, and counting on, Mitt Romney turning this country around. And I must say, I was bawling my neck off when I realized that Obama had won reelection. I still don’t know how or why this could happen. After Obama was projected as the winner of this election, I couldn’t watch anymore. I was physically and emotionally sick. The idiocy of half this nation baffles me.

What’s even worse is that the other half of the population, we who voted for Romney, must pay the consequences of the idiotic Obama voters.

Things are going to get much worse now that Obama has four more years of unbridled destruction in store for us. Now that he doesn’t have an election to hold him back, his reign of terror and destruction will go forth at breakneck speed.

This election wasn’t just about politics. It was about good versus evil. This is why it was called the most important election of our lifetime. Unfortunately, the American people have chosen evil over good.

Not only in the presidential election, but also in statewide ballots everywhere. It appears as though referendum 74 is going to pass here in Washington. Allowing same-sex marriage. Similar measures passed in Maine and Maryland also I believe. It also appears that initiative 502, legalizing marijuana, has passed here in Washington.

I really had more faith in my fellow citizens. I really thought and hoped they would choose the right. At least a simple majority. But, I am sorely disappointed. We are soon to feel the repercussions of their decision.

Mosiah 29: 26-27

26 Now it is not common that the avoice of the people desireth anything bcontrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the cpeople to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it your law—to do your business by the voice of the people.

27 And aif the time comes that the voice of the people doth choose iniquity, then is the time that the judgments of God will come upon you; yea, then is the time he will visit you with great destruction even as he has hitherto visited this land.

All I can say is get prepared. The day of the Lord’s second coming is being hastened.

That’s my two cents.


  1. I think this may be among some of your best written work yet. Very well said.

  2. well said Tam. I am so disappointed and disgusted with half of the american people!

  3. A have hope. :) That may be hard right now, but I still believe in our country and I believe that good will win in the end. I too was shocked that he lost. I don't know if I believe he did. Trevor told me that when a relative of his went to vote in Ohio, an election official asked him what party he claimed,and when he said "Republican" the official told him he would have to find somewhere else to vote! Unbelievable huh?
