Monday, November 5, 2012

Take back America!

Tomorrow is being called the most important election of our lives. Indeed, one article I read said that it was the most important election since Abraham Lincoln.

As you know, I have become somewhat obsessed with this election. I posted my predictions for the presidential election a couple of days ago. I do believe it will be a blowout or landslide, as they say, for Mitt Romney.

I also predict that referendum 74, here in Washington, will be defeated. Hopefully! As a side note, the reject R-74 signs that we gave to all three of my siblings have all been stolen from their yards. I think the only reason our sign has not been stolen yet is because it is inside our horse fence.

I’m also hopeful that my prediction that initiative 502 – legalizing marijuana, will be defeated. I still have faith that there are enough decent people who will be voting.

I’m excited for the results tomorrow night.

I read an article a couple of days ago and it has stuck with me so I decided to search for it again and put a quote on here from it. The beginning of the article the author mentions his 84-year-old black father and how he used to shine shoes as a kid and was proud of the fact that he made enough money from tips to buy his own clothing. Oh how times have changed.

The author mentions three groups of people who will vote for Obama.

“Obama's re-election campaign is geared to three groups: the clueless, the entitlement addicts, and the racists. A black woman at a gas station was interviewed on Fox News. She said the high fuel prices are having a disastrous effect on her family's well-being, but she is voting for Obama because she agrees with everything he is doing.

Folks, I do not mean to be rude, but this black woman is clueless and/or a racist. I suspect that her support of Obama is a combo of both. She is voting for Obama because she is uninformed and because he is black like her.

This election will define who we are as a people. Are we a nation of entitlement addicts and racists, or do we still find great pleasure in using our creativity, ingenuity, and willpower to pursue our dreams?

I believe that a majority of Americans are go-getters and dreamers like my dad. Barack Obama, your reign of lowering the bar of what it means to be an American is over.” – Lloyd Marcus, November 3, 2012,

If you are voting for Obama, which of the three groups do you belong to?

The American people are fed up with Obama and his self-serving agenda. Tomorrow, we are going to take back America!

That’s my two cents.

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