Monday, September 8, 2014

More Great Quotes

I might sound like a broken record but once again I want to emphasize the importance of, and power of daily Scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening.

I received these quotes in my inbox this morning.  So I thought I would share them on my blog.

Both of the following quotes are from April 2014 General Conference.  Click on the links to read or watch the whole address.  :-) Enjoy!

"As important as it is to leave home every day with a full charge on your cell phone, it is far more important to be fully charged spiritually. Every time you plug in your phone, use it as a reminder to ask yourself if you have plugged in to the most important source of spiritual power—prayer and scripture study, which will charge you with inspiration through the Holy Ghost."

—Randall L. Ridd, "The Choice Generation"

"I must testify of the blessings of daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening. These are the very practices that help take away stress, give direction to our lives, and add protection to our homes."

—Linda S. Reeves, "Protection from Pornography—a Christ-Focused Home"

1 comment:

  1. Great quotes.
    I remember that last one well.
    I like the comparison to charging a cell phone. Seems like everyone these days is obsessed with that and think they can't live without it. Spiritual charging is much more important!
