Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy 23rd Anniversary!

Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the beginning of my mission.  23 years ago today I entered the MTC -- Missionary Training Center in Provo Utah.

I know we have pictures of my family dropping me off but don't know where they are.  :-( So I'm including some pictures from my own camera in the MTC.  I know I've posted them before but some of them I took the time to crop and enhance.

Happy anniversary to me!  :-)
 My MTC district with one of our teachers -- right front.  Standing in the hallway outside of our classroom.

 Where I spent most of my time at the MTC -- in our classroom.  With my two companions.
 Studying in our bedroom.
Writing letters while doing laundry on preparation day.

With one of my teachers.  In our classroom.
The empty chair with the green Scripture cover was my desk.  :-) Obviously I'm not in it because I'm taking the picture.  That is where I sat for three weeks. :-)

Looking back, I think the elder next to my desk had a crush on me.  But who didn't really?  :-) 

Happy MTC Anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Happy MTC Anniversary!

    And Happy would-be 88th birthday to Grandma Sabin!
