Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Parents who don't vaccinate their children are ignorant and selfish.  Not only do vaccinations protect your child but they also protect other children who are unable to receive vaccinations.

History has proven the efficacy of vaccinations. That is unarguable.  Although there are those who will ignorantly argue anything.

Vaccinations are not 100% effective.  Nor are they 100% safe.  But for the vast majority of people they are very effective and very safe.  The benefits far outweigh the risks which are extremely minimal.

As I mentioned before, vaccinations protect your children from a variety of deadly diseases which should be reason enough to vaccinate your child.  But they also produce herd immunity whereby a population is protected from disease by the majority of the members of the population being immunized.  So those who are unable to receive vaccinations because of certain medical conditions or age are also protected because of herd immunity.

Anyone who falls for the anti-vaccination garbage in the media and especially on the Internet is an idiot.  You can't believe everything you read/hear -- especially in unscientific so-called "studies" cited on the Internet.  And you certainly can't believe the liberal propaganda infesting the media.

Case in point -- Recent actual scientific studies proving there is no correlation whatsoever between vaccinations and autism.  Disproving the anti-vaccination agenda that was widespread through the media citing the link between vaccinations and autism.

The truth is that vaccinations save lives and prevent disease.  You don't even need a scientific study to prove that.  Just look at history.

We live in a time of modern medicine where many deadly diseases are now preventable through vaccination.  Why in the world would you not take advantage of such marvels?

The only people who wouldn't are ignorant and selfish. And stupid.

That's my two cents.

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