Saturday, July 23, 2016

23 Years

On July 23, 1993 "I stepped off of Pan Am's flight 22" -- wait, wrong airline.  :-)

23 years ago today I stepped off the plane in Salt Lake City after serving 18 months as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Hands down my greatest accomplishment and as the old cliché goes "the best 18 months of my life".

It really was the best 18 months of my life.  Nothing can compare to serving the Lord full time.  Granted, it wasn't the easiest 18 months of my life.  Missionary work is hard work.  But, anything fulfilling or worthwhile is hard work.

It is a rare privilege to qualify for full-time missionary service and to be called of God to serve him full-time for 18 or 24 months.  The rewards are beyond any sacrifice that must be made to be able to serve.

I have now been home from my mission for more years than I was alive when I completed my mission. I was about 22 1/2 when I came home.  Kind of weird to think about that.  These last 23 years have certainly flown by a lot faster than the first 22 1/2 years.

I'm so happy and grateful that I was able to serve an honorable full-time mission for 18 months.  Best decision I ever made.  Best 18 months of my life.  "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

This picture was actually taken on my way to Tampa.  But it's the only picture I have of myself on an airplane as a missionary.  I don't have any pictures scanned of the day I came home.  :-(

1 comment:

  1. I always remember having my mission call waiting for me in the mailbox when we got home from picking you up at the airport. It was an awesome day! Hard to believe that was 23 years ago. Plus, it's Kimberly's birthday too. :)
    Celebrate the good times.
