Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bawl Baby Chicken Guts

Remember when I said that I sometimes feel like an alien living on Earth at this time?  Well, a good example of that was the Women's March or whatever they called it.  Granted I didn't watch any of it -- as you know, years ago I quit watching mainstream media news.  But I did read about it on the Internet from several sources.  Mostly conservative websites.  It's hard to believe there are so many completely deranged and deluded women in this country who are completely out of touch with reality.

The left has really done a number on these people. If the "Women's March" was to be a protest against President Trump, it had the opposite effect.  Trump most likely gained supporters because of the Women's March.  All it did was prove how deranged, unhinged, deluded and angry the left liberal democrats are.  Not to mention the crass vulgarity!

Vulgarity does nothing but show inability to communicate properly.  Seriously, do these people even know what they were protesting?  Obviously not.  All they know how to do is crudely use vulgarity and profanity in extreme anger while pulling a temper tantrum because they lost.  These weren't two-year-olds lying on the floor kicking and screaming because they didn't get their way.  These are women way past the age of accountability acting like two-year-olds who didn't get their way.  Except much worse. Did they even have a clue as to what they were trying to accomplish?  Because obviously they accomplished nothing except embarrassing and disgracing themselves.  Not to mention they did it by breaking the law by rioting -- destroying other people's property and harming others.

Why is the left completely obsessed with sex?  Well the answer is obvious, it's because Satan rules the left liberal Democrats including all sub headings such as feminazis, to borrow a term from Rush Limbaugh.  A supposed protest against President Trump turns into the most vulgar, sex obsessed, profane, angry public display in the history of mankind.

I get that the left liberal Democrats are obsessed with the secret audio tape of Donald Trump made 20 years ago, or whenever it was, when he used vulgarity. Yes, what Donald Trump said was wrong and inexcusable.  But he did apologize.  What about forgiveness?  What I find interesting is how selective the left liberal Democrats are in their outrage.  Where is the outrage over Donald Trump's adultery?  Isn't that worse?  Or better yet, for women who claim to be feminists that are all about defending women's rights -- where is the outrage over Bill Clinton's serial adultery including multiple affairs many of which occurred while he was a sitting president?  Where is the outrage over Bill Clinton's rape accusation? What about Juanita Broderick and her rights?  Or all of the other women Bill Clinton is accused of abusing or assaulting?  What about their rights?  Or where is the outrage over Hillary Clinton laughing about defending the rapist of a 12-year-old girl?  What about her rights?  Where is the outrage over all of the unborn baby girls who are killed every day through abortion? What about their rights?  Yet they become completely unhinged over a comment made 20 years ago, which has been apologized for.  Talk about hypocrisy.  The left epitomizes hypocrisy.

How is using vulgarity to protest vulgarity effective?  Isn't that just as bad or worse than what they're protesting?  More hypocrisy.

 Like I've said before, if the left liberal Democrats aren't angry, they're not happy.  The left liberal Democrats -- including the feminazis and their ridiculous protests/riots -- are nothing but a bunch of bawl baby chicken guts pulling tantrums because they didn't get their way.

It's actually really sad.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. The whole Women's March was a pathetic display of insecure women throwing temper tantrums. Completely obscene (most of the stuff can't even be mentioned because it was so bad) and to think they felt they were being "role models" for the young girls. It shows how completely messed up in the head they are. It is really sad. Not to mention, they trashed the steets, tossing all of their signs along the roadway. Extremely disrespectful people.
