Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Limbaugh quotes

"The first thing that you need to understand, the first observation that I need to pass on to you is if you think all of this outrage and all of these protests are spontaneous and specific to the elements of this executive order, you need to stop thinking that, because that is not what any of this is about.

"What all of this is about is the preordained, prearranged Democrat Party strategy of unseating Donald Trump and opposing him. It’s nothing more than total resistance to everything. It doesn’t matter what it is. There is going to be total resistance to everything. He’s gonna name his Supreme Court pick tomorrow night. Total resistance. The protests at the airports bought and paid for by George Soros, prearranged. People have been sitting and waiting for the moment to be cued to action." -- Rush Limbaugh, January 30, 2017

"Folks, I’m telling you it’s microscopic of what’s really happening to these people. The bottom line is, the Democrat Party is imploding. The Democrat Party is being rejected. The Democrat Party is losing. Since 2010 they have lost over a thousand seats. You’ve heard me say this. Donald Trump is the president. He is not slowing down. He is not backing down. He is not being deterred. He’s marching forward.

"They can’t stop him. The only thing they can do is protest and raise h... and try to make it look like they represent a majority of Americans, but they do not, and the Democrats know it. They show up at the Supreme Court last night to protest everything Trump is doing and the public address microphone doesn’t work and they’re reduced to singing This Land is Your Land, which nobody can hear anyway.

"I’ll guarantee you, by the way, that when that thing ended last night, some heads rolled, because this made the Democrats look like laughingstocks last night, which they were." -- Rush Limbaugh, January 31, 2017

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