Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pure Compassion

I've never considered compassion one of my strong suits.  I feel it's one of my underdeveloped qualities.  But there have been several times in my life when I have felt a wave of compassion come over me for someone.  This happened just recently.

I tend to get on kicks, especially of music.  Recently I've been delving into my childhood.  Bringing back memories from the dark crevices of my brain that have been shelved for decades. Music tends to do that for me.

As I've been listening to music that was popular in my childhood and because of recent events, I did some reading about a certain teen heartthrob rock star who was at the peak of his fame when I was very young.  He was a little before my time but I certainly remember a couple of his songs very well.

I looked up a recent live version of one of those songs and after hearing him address the audience and sing the song, I immediately felt a wave of compassion come over me for this washed up old rock star.  It was obvious that he wasn't happy.  And in fact looked quite miserable.  It seemed as though his self-esteem was based on audience approval.  My perception was of a lonely, miserable, sad, pathetic man.  I really felt sorry for him and compassion filled my heart.  I wanted to help him.

This man was idolized by millions of people, mostly young women, at the height of his fame.  Millions of people wanted to be around him, or be like him.  Women would throw themselves at him, people would camp outside his gates.  He said he even had to hide in the trunks of cars to go places unnoticed. To avoid being mobbed.

Fame is a strange thing.  Seems like those who don't have it, want it and those who have it, wish they didn't.  I consider fame a trial that most people can't handle.  That seems to be the case in this instance.  This teen heartthrob/rock star fell into the trap of promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, etc. that seems to plague rock stars and those with fame.

The problem with living that kind of lifestyle is that it's very empty.  Millions of people claim to love you but it's not real love.  It's very shallow and even selfish.  Everyone wants to be loved for who they are, not an image of who they are.  You can be constantly surrounded by people, yet feel completely alone.  It's a very empty, lonely, pathetic lifestyle devoid of happiness. I suppose that's why they fall into the vicious trap of temptations that surround them.  They fall for Satan's lies that wickedness will bring happiness.  But they end up miserable.  It's a downward spiral.

This scripture explains it very succinctly:
Alma 41:10 "... wickedness never was happiness."
In learning a little bit about this former teen heartthrob's life, it was very sad.  Apparently his dad had his own demons and walked out on him and divorced his mother when he was very young.  From what I read his father was also an alcoholic and serial floozer and even physically abusive.  Needless to say he didn't have an idyllic childhood.

Then he was thrust into fame and, perhaps seeking approval and love, fell into that awful trap. Satan makes sin appear so tempting, but results in nothing but misery. Promiscuity, alcohol, drugs, etc. are nothing but traps Satan sets out to captivate people and make them miserable.
2 Nephi 2:27 "... or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
Bad choices lead to more bad choices and the result is misery.  It can happen to anybody but it seems like those stricken with fame-- or those seeking fame -- are particularly vulnerable.  The misery is written on their countenance. It's very sad.

When I realized the pain, sadness, and misery of the pathetic washed up old teen heartthrob rock star of my youth, I felt like Enoch in the following Scripture.
Moses 7:41 "And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Enoch, and told Enoch all the doings of the children of men; wherefore Enoch knew, and looked upon their wickedness, and their misery, and wept and stretched forth his arms, and his heart swelled wide as eternity; and his bowels yearned; and all eternity shook."
A wave of compassion came upon me and I yearned to reach out and help.  For no other reason than pure charity for my fellow man.  Pure compassion.

The solution to true happiness is very simple, yet so hard for so many to find or accept.  Happiness is found in following God and living His commandments.

It really is that simple.

The execution might be a little more difficult for some but it is certainly worth it.

I wish I could reach out and give my miserable old washed up rock star friend a big hug and teach him the gospel.  Therein lies true happiness.  Obviously that's not going to happen in this life, and even if it did he might not be ready.  But certainly I, or someone else, will  have the opportunity in the next life.  I hope by then he's ready to accept the Gospel and realize true happiness.

That's my two cents.

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