Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Worst Case Scenario?

Some people create their own alternate reality.  Often times because the real world is unbearable for them.  It's a defense mechanism.  Apparently that's the case in this instance.

An adulterous floozer chose to abandon his family -- his beautiful virtuous wife and children -- for a horse face uglier than sin floozy.  That's simple fact, not judgment.  The floozer and his oldest son move in with said floozy.  Floozer proudly proclaims that he and Floozy will raise his oldest son because they have such great parenting skills.  Floozer's son is a very troubled boy, as many children of divorce are.

 All children of divorce have emotional issues that they have to deal with for the rest of their lives.  But some go off the deep end and turn to substance abuse, promiscuity, and other destructive outlets.  As children their brains are not developed enough to deal with the pain and anguish inflicted on them through divorce. Most, if not all, children of divorce need therapy to help them work through their issues.  They need constructive outlets to deal with their anger and pain.  When they don't get that, they turn to destructive outlets as mentioned before.

Floozer's son, sadly, has chosen destructive outlets in search of acceptance and attention and as a way to deal with his extreme pain and anger caused by his floozer father's extremely poor choices.  Floozer's son has already been rejected by his father once as his father chose a floozy over him.  Now, Floozy is threatening to kick Floozer out of her house because Floozer's son is a very troubled boy and they can't handle him.

So what does Floozer do?  He asks the wife that he kicked to the curb to take their son back because his floozy is kicking him out if he doesn't find another home for the boy. Poor pity Floozer.  Heaven forbid his perfect little Lala land life with Floozy gets disrupted.  The mother is not in a position to take him back at the moment because, thanks to Floozer, she doesn't have a home.  She, and her other children, are living with other family.  Floozer flies off the handle and calls his ex-wife all kinds of derogatory names -- for something he caused.  Because his wonderful little selfish make believe world with Floozy would be upset if he can't find someone to take his son.

Then Floozer decides to try plan B.  Floozer selfishly asks his decrepit old parents if they would take his troubled son in.  The troubled boy's grandparents would love to help but they can barely keep up with the responsibilities they already have, let alone trying to raise a troubled grandson.

If Floozer and Floozy can't handle raising Floozer's troubled boy, with their exceptional parenting skills, then how can Floozer expect his decrepit old parents to handle the extremely troubled boy?

Floozer has no idea the damage he has done to his family.  His decrepit old parents are slowly dying of broken hearts because of the sadness their son's continual bad choices has inflicted upon them.  They try to put on a happy face but he is slowly digging their graves, and has been for some time. Not to mention the sadness and heartache he has caused many other family members.

Floozer, in talking with his father about taking in the boy, said, "worst-case scenario, I have to move out with my boy and get an apartment".  Seriously?  That's the worst-case scenario?  It's perhaps the worst-case scenario for Floozer living in his alternate reality a.k.a. Lala land.

Worst-case scenario for a selfish narcissist whose only concern is for himself and his new carefree sinful lifestyle with Floozy.

What's the best case scenario?  Throwing his son out on the street?  Which he already threatened to do. And he wonders why the boy is troubled?  Or pawning the trouble boy off on family members when he is the one who created the mess? Floozer's self-absorption and serial terrible choices are why the boy is troubled.

If it weren't for Floozer's selfish choice to abandon his family, and then take away the boy's only hope for happiness -- a belief in God, then his son wouldn't be in the dark place he is right now.  You take God out of people's lives and the result is pure misery.  Any recovered atheist will tell you that.  Floozer creates the monster then wants someone else to deal with it. Typical liberal.

Does Floozer really think that dragging his son into the evil lifestyle he now lives would be beneficial to the boy?  Somehow all of his troubles would go away?  In what world is taking the boy away from his mother and brothers and dragging him into a completely new area with a wicked step floozy and her two sons, who are also products of divorce and therefore dealing with their own demons, a better case scenario?  Apparently only in Floozer's lala land.  It's certainly not a better case scenario in the real world.  A real man living in the real world would have stepped up and been a good husband and father instead of chasing after common whores and abandoning his family for such. Again, simple fact, not judgment.

How scared the poor boy must be after Floozer threatened to kick him out on the streets.  He's already been rejected once by his floozer father when Floozer left the boy's mother, brothers and himself for Floozy.  Now he's being rejected by him again as Floozer is once again choosing Floozy over his own son.  Beyond pathetic!

And Floozer wonders why his son is having behavioral issues?  Perhaps Floozer should take a step into the real world instead of living in his selfish, narcissistic, make-believe world that he has created in his mind.  Perhaps then he'll start seeing things as they really are.

Worst case scenario to move out of an evil, sinful, adulterous home where every day the boy is reminded of his father's rejection in choosing Floozy over family?  Not in the world I live in.  Not in the real world.

That's my two cents.

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