Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mercedes' Missionary Farewell

Mercedes had her farewell this past Sunday.  It was a beautiful day all around.  Chanelle, Lisa, and Mercedes all spoke.  They all did a fantastic job.  It was a wonderful spiritual meeting.  Mercedes had a lot of support with family and friends.  Afterwards, we all came back to our house and had a barbecue and typical farewell get-together.  :-)

My beautiful missionary niece.  :-)
Mercedes will be serving in the Utah Ogden Mission.
She enters the MTC on May 31.

Family portrait
What a good-looking family.  Especially the one with the yellow headband ;-).

Mercedes worked hard making this cute missionary cake and cupcakes below.

I'm so proud of Mercedes for choosing to serve a full-time mission.  I'm proud of how hard she worked to qualify and prepare to serve.  I'm excited for her to embark on this wonderful, exciting journey.  Missionary work is hard but also very rewarding.  I'm sure she'll have a fun, challenging, and very rewarding experience.

And Mercedes, if you ever feel overwhelmed and not up to the task, just remember what your wise old aunt once said in her first letter home from the mission field, "I am scared to death but don't worry, I'll get over it."  :-)

Mercedes will be a wonderful asset to the Utah Ogden Mission.  I can't wait to start hearing all of her wonderful mission stories. Good luck Mercedes as you embark on your exciting new journey as a full-time missionary!

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud of Mercedes too! Hard to believe next week at this time, I'll be in Provo Utah- dropping her off at the Missionary Training Center. Thanks for letting us have the farewell gathering at your place. Mercedes did an awesome job on the cute cake.
    Go Sister Wilson!
