Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Weak Panseric Liberals

In perusing Rush Limbaugh.com I came across a headline that caught my attention.  So I clicked on it and read the transcript. I thought it was blog worthy so I took the time to copy a few quotes from Rush Limbaugh.com.  I'll let you read it then I'll add my two cents. :-)
RUSH: This is a story resulting from a research study at Brunel University in London. “Physically Weak Men More Likely to Be Socialists.” ...“Surprise, surprise. Men who are physically weak are more likely to favor socialist policies. An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed 171 men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. 
“The study, published in the Evolution and Human Behavior journal,...found that weaker men were more likely to favor socialist policies than stronger men. ... 
"Now, this story hit home for me obviously because of the circumstance that happened up there in Montana. But I myself — and I’ve mentioned this before — I imagine a lot of people will not remember me having said it because I didn’t make a big deal of it, didn’t do a whole segment on it.  But I have wondered — Snerdley will back me on this — over the years I have openly wondered out loud here how... real men could possibly be liberal. I have never understood it, in a psychological sense. I understand propaganda, brainwashing, environmental influences growing up, the role of parents, teachers and so forth. But throw that stuff out, I have never understood it. It just intellectually, as far as common sense, doesn’t compute with me. 
"...they point out that it’s weak and small and Pajama Boy types that are more likely to be socialists. The theory is that because they do not have the confidence born of a powerful personal stature, that they need outside forces fighting their battles for them to ensure that they are not thrown overboard, under the bus. That they’re not beaten up, that they are not bullied and made fun of. So they come along and they support large, forceful, powerful authorities over everybody to equalize things. 
"And on the other hand, big, strong, manly, studly guys, they gravitate the other way, and they don’t want equality because they already know that they’re bigger, stronger, and more powerful that the wusses out there and they don’t want anybody coming along elevating the wusses to artificial strength and artificial power when they can’t acquire all of that on their own. ... 
"So physically weak men more likely to be socialist. You can understand how that headline captivated me on the very day the studly and manly Gianforte threw that dishrag Pajama Boy reporter down to the ground." -- RushLimbaugh.com, May 26, 2017
I found this study fascinating coming from a university in liberal London.  But the results make complete sense.  Not only from a biological and psychological standpoint but also from common sense and observation.

Just look at our last two presidents.  Trump is a complete alpha male and Obama is a panseric non-manly wimp.  My own observation and thinking of the liberal acquaintances I know of, they are the epitome of all around weak pansies.  And I would go farther than this study in saying that not only are liberals physically weak but they are generally intellectually and spiritually weak.

Granted, there are exceptions where athletes or otherwise physically strong males are liberals. They've obviously been brainwashed by liberalism.  Unfortunately, our increasingly liberal society is teaching men that being strong and manly is unbecoming. So even strong macho men are being brainwashed into thinking their masculinity is somehow a flaw.  Men are taught to be more feminine and women are taught to be more masculine by liberalism.  Completely counterintuitive and against God's design.  Another example where liberalism goes against common sense.

Liberalism is terribly destructive.  Not only does it weaken society, but it also contributes to the weakening of individuals.  Liberals have no common sense, they are intellectually weak. They like to pretend like they're smarter than everyone else but it's a charade. They obviously don't live in the real world.  Liberals are spiritually weak, many are atheist or agnostic.  And those who aren't are increasingly turning away from God.  And of course we just learned from this study that liberals are physically weak. A rather obvious observation to those of us living in the real world.

I don't know which came first, weakness or liberalism -- but they certainly go hand-in-hand. I have noticed that those who were once strong spiritually and have become weak, generally turn to liberalism.  I'm sure it applies to other areas where people become weak. Either way, liberals are weak, weak, weak people.

That's my two cents.

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