Thursday, April 25, 2019

Mickey the Dunce

Liberals are a strange breed.  They live in their own lala land world that revolves around themselves.  Case in point, yesterday I saw a headline that said that Lori Loughlin and her husband Mossimo something or other didn't believe that what they did (college bribery scandal) was illegal.

Now, I haven't been following this closely but I do know that they paid $500,000 in bribes to get their girls into USC.  And I also know that some of the people, charged in the scandal, paid others to take the SAT test for their children to help them get into prestigious colleges and universities. Lori and Mossimo also through bribery got their girls scholarship positions on the crew (rowing) team at USC.  I also know that their children do not row and probably have never rowed and are not athletes.   And furthermore had no intentions of ever rowing, or participating in any way, on the crew team.  Bribery, dishonesty, fraud.

Since when are bribery and fraud not illegal?  Especially $500,000 worth of bribery and fraud?  Obviously they knew they were doing something wrong by claiming that their kids didn't know about it. Otherwise why wouldn't they be completely open and honest about it?  If they were doing nothing wrong.

Stop playing Mickey the dunce, Lori and Mossimo.  You know very well that what you did was illegal.  Granted, you are liberals and therefore by nature you are stupid.  But even liberals know when they are breaking the law.  They just do it anyway because they have no morals.

Unfortunately, liberals believe that the world revolves around them.  If anything they do benefits them, then it's okay.  Regardless of the legality or morality of it.  Because after all, the world revolves around them and everyone else can deal with the consequences of their actions.

Well, once in a while they get caught and must face the consequences themselves.  I read that Lori and Mossimo, still living in their selfish Liberal Lala land, did not take the plea deal because they thought they would just get a slap on the wrist and go on living in their selfish, privileged Liberal Lala land. Now they are facing serious jail time.

Now that they are facing a reality check, they are playing Mickey the dunce, claiming that they didn't know that bribery and fraud were illegal.  That's the thing about liberals, they always want to play the victim and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.

How about this, Lori and Mossimo, how about you actually own up to your behavior and face the consequences of your actions?  How about going even further and apologizing and making restitution to those whom you have harmed by your actions?  How about actually being honest?  How about being sorry for what you did?

I know, that's too much to ask of selfish, privileged liberals living in Lala land.  But it's a nice thought.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, criminals always playing the victim. It's ridiculous.
