Sunday, March 1, 2020

Come to Church

So many people nowadays are either leaving organized religion or not joining at all. It's tragic.  I read a  couple of things today that made me sad. Many times I've heard people say that their church is (fill in the blank).  Music, mountains, golf, etc.

It's true that you can be uplifted through inspiring music, serene places like the mountains and maybe even while playing golf in a peaceful beautiful golf course setting.  But, it certainly isn't church.  Church is so much more than just feeling peace and being inspired -- even with the Holy Ghost testifying, comforting, and teaching you.

It saddens me that so many people don't understand the importance of church membership and attendance.  Because it makes life so much more fulfilling and happy.

I could cite numerous scriptures about why going to church is a commandment and why it's important.  Instead, I'm just going to tell you in my own words.  Mostly because I'm too lazy to do the work required.  :-)

Everybody knows the 10 Commandments found in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament.  The fourth commandment is to keep the Sabbath day holy.  One of the ways we do that is to go to church.

Besides it being a commandment, we go to church for numerous reasons.  Including: to partake of the Sacrament and renew our covenants made at baptism.  To be with other members who help strengthen us.  To learn or be reminded of doctrine.  To serve and share and strengthen our talents in callings. To be inspired and feel the Spirit.  To name a few.

All of those other things that people like to pretend are their "church" cannot fulfill all of the things that actually belonging to and going to church does for us.

Yes, church requires effort.  Church may not be as fun as some of those other activities.  But, going to Church provides structure and a social network that you can't find anywhere else.  Church also provides stability, fulfillment, and happiness. 

Belonging to the Lord's restored Church and worshiping weekly at church provides strength and comfort and a sense of belonging and happiness that can only be found in the Lord's true church.

I wish everyone could understand and take the necessary steps to get on the covenant path by joining or coming back to the Lord's true church.  It has brought me such joy, happiness and peace that I wish everyone could experience.

That's my two cents.

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