Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Nice Fellow

 I don't know why people hate President Trump.  I like him.  He seems like a nice fellow.  He reminds me of my great uncle John.

There are so many people who don't understand President Trump like I do.  He is widely misjudged.  A lot of people think he is arrogant, brash, rude, mean, self absorbed, and the list goes on. If you believe that, you are misjudging him.

You've heard the saying, actions speak louder than words.  Let's look at what he's done.  President Trump had a life of luxury.  Moving to the White House was a downgrade for him and his family.  He did not have to serve as President of the United States.  He chose to serve because of his patriotic love for America and it's people.

President Trump has been a very successful businessman his entire life.  He is a born leader.  He is confident. He is assertive.  He is manly.  These are all qualities that can be misconstrued as negative traits.

For example confidence can be easily misconstrued as arrogance and self absorption.  Assertiveness can be misconstrued as brash, rude, and mean.  Manliness can be misconstrued as overbearing and haughty.

Most of the reasons I like President Trump are reasons other people don't.  I like his boldness.  He doesn't beat around the bush.  I like his fierceness.  He isn't one to be pushed around.  He stands up for what he believes in.  He says it like it is.  I like his honesty.  It's a refreshing change from most politicians.  Perhaps I like these qualities in him because I like to think I possess many of the same qualities.  And perhaps I am also misjudged.

I discern that President Trump has a big heart, is a very caring person, loves his country and his fellow men, and wants to do what's best for America and it's citizens.

President Trump is very smart and savvy.  He has proven that not only in his business dealings but also in his accomplishments as President of United States of America.  He has accomplished things that his predecessors couldn't do.  For example moving our embassy to Jerusalem.  The China trade deal.  Building the wall.  Building the strongest economy in my lifetime. Unprecedented tax cuts.  Just to name a few.

President Trump has kept his campaign promises -- despite all the opposition he is facing.  And it is huge.  Even he had no idea how much opposition he would face.  But he finds a way to get things done.  He works hard.  What is there not to like?

Okay, yes he has made mistakes in his life.  As have we all.  President Trump has actually apologized for some of the things he has said and done wrong.  Unlike any other politician on the planet.

President Trump brags about his accomplishments because if he didn't, no one would know about them.  Certainly the media doesn't report his accomplishments.  The media spins anything President Trump does into a negative. 

And like Mac Davis said, "It’s hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way..." I have found that people who like to talk about how great they are are in one of two different categories.  Either they are very insecure and haven't accomplished much and don't live up to how great they say they are.  Or they are highly confident people who have accomplished much, yet are very humble in reality.  President Trump falls into the latter category.  I understand this about President Trump because I also like to tease about my greatness.  Yet, I like to think that I am still humble.

President Trump is a fighter and stands up America to all of the foreign governments who have, for so long, taken advantage of us.  President Trump cannot be bought, like Joe Biden.  Or any other politician.  President Trump is not a Pansy -- and perhaps this is why he is misjudged and not liked by so many.

President Trump is in my corner and fights for me and my country every day.  That's more than I can say for Joe Biden and most other politicians who are only concerned with themselves and what's in it for them.

I would go so far as to say President Trump has integrity and will always do what's right for America.  To the best of his ability.  President Trump is a very likable fellow-- if you understand him like I do. 

Despite how hard the media has worked to smear President Trump's good name and reputation -- he is still working hard to make America great and keep America great.

I know there are a lot of people who are voting for President Trump because the alternative is unthinkable -- but still don't like him.  But I wish there were more people who understood him like I do and wouldn't misjudge him and his character.  Because President Trump is actually a very likable person.

That's my two cents.

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