Thursday, October 15, 2020

Biden Scandal

This is getting way out of hand.  There is a huge story in the New York Post about the Hunter Biden, Joe Biden Ukraine scandal.  Proof found on a laptop in a repair shop.  And of course the story is being suppressed in the media and censored on social media.  That right there is interfering with the election.  It's got to be illegal.  And I'm not just talking about Facebook and twitter censoring average people posting or talking about the story.  Twitter literally banned the White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany because she posted the New York Post story to her twitter.  Twitter also banned and censored James Woods the actor, for posting the story.

It's insane!  So much censorship and suppression of the truth.  We are not talking about opinions.  We are talking about facts.  Proven facts taken from Hunter Biden's laptop.  His own words!

From Rush

"But the American people need to know, because this is about serious political, criminal corruption — Biden family corruption. It’s about tech industry corruption involving Facebook and Twitter, and the American people need to know about this before they vote. Now, there are a number of stories out there concerning the Biden family. You probably have seen them.

It’s not the first time the Bidens have been in the news for shady deals.

But what we’re learning must impact the November elections. It must have an impact. This cannot be suppressed. We cannot let the tech industry and others get away with suppressing or hiding or basically disappearing these stories. The past 36 hours of news and news suppression confirms what most political observers have already known, that Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton, sold his office for millions of dollars.

...And this is when James Comey rode to her rescue on July 5th of 2016 and proclaimed that she had not done anything anybody would prosecute. Today another massive scandal has been confirmed by emails. These are emails from the laptop of Hunter Biden. These are emails from the laptop of Joe Biden’s son. Now, this scandal — it honestly is, folks — this scandal is so big and so dangerous, like it was with Hillary, that an enormous cover-up is underway to save Biden’s presidential bid. Nothing less than an effort to save Biden’s campaign is underway.

That’s why the story is being suppressed. It’s why people that trade in the story are being –well, their accounts are being closed. They’re being doxed. The FBI had in their possession and controlled Hillary’s emails. Because of that, the Obama deep state never allowed the details of Hillary’s violations of the Espionage Act or her grotesque abuses of power to see the light of day. The FBI had in their possession and they controlled Hillary’s emails.

It was a massive government-run cover-up led by the FBI, led by James Comey. Maybe we’ll get full details someday. That can wait because Hillary’s scandal is different from Biden’s. The FBI does not control the evidence of Biden’s corruption. But the FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop the entire time when they were trying to impeach Trump. They had all this. The FBI had his laptop. His laptop had been turned over. His laptop turned in to a computer repair shop in Delaware. They knew what they had. They chose not to act on it.

The evidence contained in Hunter Biden’s laptop of financial malfeasance of government payoffs, of blackmailable events, makes what Hillary Clinton was trafficking in really small stuff. Joe Biden is no different than Hillary Clinton in that he was selling access to his family and to him for huge amounts of money and for the enrichment of his son Hunter. 
"... [Joe] Biden had been at the Council on Foreign Relations — we played you this audio I don’t know how many times — bragging about how he got the prosecutor, who was looking into his son’s malfeasance, fired." -- Rush, October 15, 2020

I'm not going to go into all the details.  You can read about it if you wish.  You certainly won't hear on mainstream media.

This is a huge scandal.  It's really unethical for the media to suppress this information.  But when has the media been known to be ethical?  After all, they are an arm of the Democrat party.

This is the Gadianton robbers on steroids.  Yet how many people still think Joe is just Joe?  And are still going to vote for him?!  Unthinkable.  Seriously, anyone who votes for Joe Biden is extremely ignorant and oblivious or stupid or just plain evil.

The man is involved in very serious crimes.  Not just the Ukraine scandal with his son, Hunter.  I can't begin to name all the crimes associated with that.  But Joe Biden is also a pathological liar, a pervert to put it mildly -- predator is a better word.  Joe is also a known racist who spoke at the funeral of his good friend, Robert Byrd, a former KKK member.  Not to mention the simple fact that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia.  He can't even run his own life, let alone the free world.  "Hidin' Biden" is a good nomenclature for him -- he won't even answer policy questions before the election.  He keeps flip-flopping trying to tell people what they want to hear knowing full well that he intends to destroy this nation and take away our liberties and freedoms.

Donald Trump has done so much for this nation in the nearly 4 years that he's been in office.

Here is a list of some of his accomplishments from an article in the Federalist:

"Trump’s list of first-term accomplishments has been truly impressive:

  • Building the strongest U.S. economy in my lifetime through historic business and personal tax cuts, resulting in millions of jobs created and record-low unemployment
  • Cutting federal government regulations that had a stranglehold on American business innovators and entrepreneurs
  • Confronting China’s trade abuses and negotiating fair trade deals with Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan
  • Eliminating the Obamacare individual mandate
  • Rebuilding our military through investments in our defense capabilities as well as securing the largest military pay raise in a decade
  • Nominating and confirming more solid conservative circuit court judges than any other first-term administration
  • Nominating and fighting for the confirmation of two originalists, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court and then nominating Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and then brokering the Abraham Accords peace deal between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain
  • Consistently fighting Democrats to build the wall to secure our southern border, reinforcing and repairing hundreds of miles, with more construction on the way
This is just a brief summary of the Trump administration’s accomplishments." -- The, October 9, 2020, "I Didn't Vote for Trump in 2016 But I'd Crawl over Broken Glass To Vote for Him Now".

Not to mention, President Trump is the most pro-life president we've ever had.  He stands up for religious freedom.  President Trump is a true patriot who loves America and the American people.  He has made America great again in four short years.  But there's much more to do.  President Trump will fight for us.  He has proven that.

Don't believe the lies the media and Joe Biden and the Democrats continually spew.  Their efforts to tarnish President Trump don't work because we Americans are smart and see through their lies.

If you're voting for Joe Biden, you're not smart enough to see through the lies.  You are buffaloed.  Don't be buffaloed.  Be smart and vote for Donald J. Trump for United States President on November 3!

That's my two cents.


  1. Gadianton robbers on steroids...Yep. That's a great description.
    Treason--punishable by death.
    And I'm still super disgusted about their knowledge of Benghazi and allowing Americans to die, in their big cover up there too. They are sick, evil traitors.
    Nobody with a single brain cell would ever support such evil, anti-American traitors.
    TRUMP/PENCE 2020
    Keep America FREE.
    Drain the swamp!!!!!

  2. Agree 100%! You’d be the biggest idiot to vote for Biden/Harris. I mean, seriously!!! It baffles my mind to think people would vote for such corruption! Gets my blood boiling!! Trump 2020!!!
