Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Rig Is In

President Trump won the election.  Handily.  The Democrats are trying to steal it.  They don't play by the rules.  If they don't get what they want, they cheat.  They are lower than snakes.

I was watching the results and seeing how far ahead Trump was then wondering why the media wasn't calling the states for him that he obviously won.  Well, we knew fraud would be prevalent in this election.  The Democrats have already stated long before the election that they would not concede under any circumstances.

Trump was way up in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and others.  Those are the ones I remember.  All of those states should have been called for President Trump early in the evening.  Now, the next day, suddenly Michigan and Wisconsin are turning blue?  My aching katoa.  Fraud!

It's not over.  Don't give up hope.  Keep praying.  Hopefully truth will prevail.  The will of the people reelected President Trump last night.

Here is a bit of what Rush Limbaugh had to say this morning: 

RUSH: Come on, folks, you gotta keep the faith. Stick with me here. Stick with me. Greetings. Great to have you. Great to be with you. Been looking forward to this ever since I went to bed last night at — what time did I go to bed? I guess it’s about 11 o’clock when I figured the rig was in. I said, this is not gonna change — and it still hasn’t changed. Fox News: still too early to call a bunch of states that they know Trump has won. But, anyway, anyway, I really do. I consider it a blessing to have an opportunity to be with you all today.

 Look. I know that many of you were up all night. Many of you are anxious. Many of you are walking on the ledge. You are frustrated. You are ticked off, and legitimately so. You are angry. You play by the rules. You do it up and up. You want a legitimate win. You play by the rules, and you get up and you realize every day the other side isn’t playing by the rules.

One thing that I said yesterday — and I’m gonna keep saying it again today — keep the faith, folks. Just keep the faith that the America we know, that the America we love, is preserved and will continue to be preserved. The American way of life is going to be preserved. Keep the faith. The best days of our country are still ahead of us.

This was a devastating night last night for the Democrats, based on their expectations. They once again believed their polling units. It’s uncanny. Folks, I can’t tell you how down in the dumps, devastated and blown to smithereens the Democrats really are today. And you can read about it if you know where to go to look.

We are going to reelect. We did, we have. We’ve reelected Trump, a man who loves our country. A man who unabashedly loves our flag, our traditions, our founding. He worked tirelessly to win every single vote, not ballot. This is another thing. Kamala Harris is out there saying, “We’re not gonna stop ’til every ballot’s -” No, no, no, no, Kammy, we’re not going to count every ballot. We’re going to count every legitimate vote. It’s a big difference.

And right there is where Kammy, which is short for Kamala, that’s how she says her name should be pronounced. I think it’s rather clever to call her Kammy for short. She’s out there we’re gonna count — no, we’re not. If we have to go all the way to the Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court, you are not gonna count every ballot. We’re gonna count every legitimate vote. We’re gonna play by the rules. We’re gonna win playing by the rules, despite the fact the other side does not.

Folks, there’s nobody better fighting for us and our side than the guy who’s already in the White House, Donald Trump. Look at how hard he worked to win every single vote. And I still believe strongly he’s gonna be reelected. He has earned it, his tremendous achievements, implementation of a great agenda that he promised to implement and did. -- Rush, November 4, 2020, Donald Trump Will Be Reelected Because He Earned It.

We expected the rig, and we got the rig.  Democrats are nothing but low life shysters.  Lower than snakes in the grass.  They will stop at nothing to gain power and destroy this nation.  But we couldn't have a better fighter in the White House.  President Trump will do all in his power to legitimize this election and take what's rightfully his.  He earned it.  I hope and pray truth and right prevail.

The American people have spoken.  They have reelected President Trump.  I just hope fraud doesn't take away what President Trump worked so hard to earn.

That's my two cents.