Friday, November 20, 2020

We Are Going to Reclaim Freedom

President Trump's attorneys who are charged with uncovering the massive fraud that took place in our election two weeks ago held a press conference yesterday. 

Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis all did an excellent job presenting opening arguments and explaining the evidence they have uncovered thus far.

It was very encouraging.  They are working hard to see that truth is revealed and to protect our Constitution and freedoms.

I found the transcript of the press conference.  Here are some of the quotes that stood out to me.

From Sidney Powell:

"This is stunning, heartbreaking, infuriating, and the most unpatriotic acts I can even imagine for people in this country to have participated in in any way, shape, or form. And I want the American public to know right now that we will not be intimidated. American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government. And we are going to take this country back. We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom." -- Sidney Powell, November 19, 2020

I love her tenacity. President Trump won in a landslide.  They're going to prove it.  They won't be intimidated or back down.  They will reclaim the United States of America for people who treasure freedom.

 From Jenna Ellis:

"This is basically an opening statement so the American people can understand what the networks have been hiding and what they refuse to cover, because all of your fake news headlines are dancing around the merits of this case and are trying to de-legitimized what we are doing here. Let me be very clear that our objective is to make sure to preserve and protect election integrity. President Trump has been saying from day one, that this is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country. It is not about overturning an outcome. It is about making sure that election integrity is preserved and every American should want that. If every American is not on board with that, you have to ask yourself why. If your fake news network is not covering this or allowing you to cover it fairly and accurately, you should ask yourself why. This is absolutely a legitimate legal basis."

"Until you step out of your role as a journalist and actually go into a courtroom and you are a judge on a bench that has sworn an oath to be unbiased in our separation of powers, then your opinion does not matter.

"The facts matter. The truth matters. And if you are fair reporters, you will cover that fairly and appropriately and you will allow coverage of our media team here and our legal team. That is absolutely shocking, ...

"We are a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers. There is not someone that just gets to pick who the next President is outside the will of the American people. That is our task, because when we talk about voter fraud, it’s actually election official fraud. That cannot stand. The Constitution requires that the State Legislatures are the ones that make election law. It still has to go by the US Constitution. But what has happened in this case is that state and local level officials and all the way up, have changed the rules. That’s what the Democrats do. If they don’t like the rules, they change them and they change them at the last minute, they manipulate them. They want to tear down our American system.

"Our founders were so brilliant that they anticipated this, that there would be corruption. There would be foreign influence, there would be attempts to manipulate the outcome of the election, especially with who they called our Chief Magistrate. I would encourage all of you to go home and actually read Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist 6-8 and see what he described as an advocacy position to adopt and ratify the Electoral College and the process by which we select our President. We select our President through the Electoral College, not because it disenfranchises voters, but because it is a security mechanism for exactly the type of corruption that we are uncovering. Every American should be grateful and thankful that our founders had the foresight to put in those protections and provisions to make sure that your legitimate legal vote is not disenfranchised. That is what we are advocating for."

Our founding fathers were brilliant but they were also inspired by God to set up our government the way it has been established. 

“. . . I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose….” (Doctrine & Covenants 101:80.)

God knew what he was doing when he inspired our founding fathers as they wrote the Constitution and established our government.  Of course, God foresaw what would be happening now.

Continuing Jenna Ellis' quotes:

"We want to make sure to protect election integrity and your President, President Trump, we are so proud that he is in this fight, because he understands that when he swore his oath of office, he swore an oath to uphold and defend the United States Constitution. That is what he is doing and that is what we are doing. We are confident that through this multiple pathway to victory, we will get to the actual outcome that the evidence shows, but this is not about overturning an election on our part. It’s about making sure that we protect and preserve free and fair elections for all future American elections. If the United States caves to corruption or this type of election integrity disaster, then no election will be secure from here on out, and we all need to be keenly aware of that. We are the representatives here that are standing in this gap and defending President Trump and defending you, the American people at the end of the day. This is ultimately about the United States of America and we want to make sure to protect and defend that.

"As my colleagues have said, we will not back down. We won’t be intimidated. President Trump will not be intimidated. You, the American people should not be intimidated. ...This is the United States of America, and we stand proudly for President Donald J. Trump. Thank you." -- Jenna Ellis, November 19, 2020

Like she said, there is more at stake here than just overturning fraudulent election results.  This is about preserving our Constitution and our freedoms.

From Rudy Giuliani:

"I know this is a lot of information that we’ve given you, probably because we’re frustrated with what we keep reading and hearing in the censored press, which is that we have no evidence. We have no specifics. We have no backup of what we’re saying. You largely ignore the affidavits that are filed. Whether you agree or disagree with an affidavit, it’s evidence. You can’t say… I mean, you’re just lying to the American people when you say there’s no evidence. 

"That's not just a small matter.

"We have enough evidence overturn this election. We have it from the affidavits of American citizens, but that’s a matter of national security that we’re talking about now, very, very serious matter of national security. Please don’t make light of it and don’t act like you knew it, don’t act like it isn’t a surprise. If that’s not a headline tomorrow, then you don’t know what a headline is. There isn’t a single person in this country that would have believed that we have states that are stupid enough to have our vote sent out of this country. You couldn’t possibly believe that the company counting our vote, with control over our vote is owned by two Venezuelans who were allies of Chavez, are present allies of Maduro, with a company whose Chairman is a close associate and business partner of George Soros the biggest donor to the Democrat party, the biggest donor to Antifa, and the biggest donor of Black Lives Matter. My goodness, what do we have to do to get you to give our people the truth?...

"I think there was uniform shock when we first heard it. I think when I first heard it, I didn’t believe it until Sidney showed me the documents. ...By the way, the character who is close to Antifa, took off all of his social media. Aha! But we kept it, we’ve got it. The man is a vicious, vicious man. He wrote horrible things about the President. He is completely biased. He’s completely warped and he specifically says that they’re going to fix this election. I don’t know what you need to wake you up, to do your job and inform the American people, whether you like it or not, of the things they need to know. This is real. It is not made up. There’s nobody here that engages in fantasies. I’ve tried 100 cases. I prosecuted some of the most dangerous criminals in the world.  I know crimes. I can smell them. You don’t have to smell this one, I can prove it to you 18 different ways. I can prove to you that he won Pennsylvania by 300,000 votes. I can prove to you that he won Michigan by probably 50,000 votes." -- Rudy Giuliani, November 19, 2020

You can tell how frustrated all of these attorneys are with the press and their blatant censorship in not covering the biggest scandal in United States history.  This makes Watergate look like child's play.  So many secret combinations and so many corrupt people in cahoots to create this type of massive fraud. 

Another quote from Sidney Powell:

"This is a massive, well-funded, coordinated effort to deprive we, the people of the United States of our most fundamental right under the constitution to preserve this Republic that we all cherish. It is of the greatest concern. It is the 1775 of our generation and beyond.

"Everybody’s against us except President Trump. And we, the people of the United States." -- Sidney Powell, November 19, 2020

This effort to fraudulently steal the election is the 1775 of our generation.  We are in a revolution against evil, power-hungry people, trying to destroy the United States of America and control we the people through Communism.

Another quote from Rudy Giuliani:
"The most important thing here is that this has been a massive attack on the integrity of the voting system in the greatest democracy on earth. The people who did this have committed one of the worst crimes that I’ve ever seen or observed. One of the things we’re the most proud of in this country is that we’ve been such a longstanding democracy based on the right to vote. They have trashed the right to vote. They’ve dishonored the right to vote. They’ve destroyed the right to vote in their greed for power and money. And there’s no doubt about it. ... This is a plan. You would have to be a fool not to realize that.
"The censorship that is going on in this country right now by big tech and by big media, is almost as dangerous as the election fraud that we’re revealing, maybe just as dangerous. We’re headed to a very bad place and it is not appropriate that a Venezuelan company counted our votes. Thank you."

This scandal is much more than just stealing an election -- which is bad enough.  And I'm certain it has gone on for decades.  I think Mitt Romney beat Obama in 2012.  I believe it was fraud that gave Obama a second term.  The only reason Trump won in 2016 was because they didn't anticipate his massive win.  The fraud they had in place for Hillary to win, did not overcome Donald Trump's landslide win.  This time, they were better prepared.  Despite President Trump winning in a more massive landslide than last election, they were able to rig the computers and create massive amounts of fraudulent ballots to overcome his landslide win. 

But it is precisely because of President Trump's massive landslide win that the fraud was easily discovered. But this is about much more than stealing the election from President Trump.

At this crossroads, this is about stealing our freedoms and destroying the greatest nation on Earth, the United States of America. 

Like our founding fathers, I truly believe that President Donald J. Trump was raised up by God to preserve our Constitution, our freedoms, and our nation.  No one else could take the kind of constant attacks that President Trump faces every day and continue to fight for truth, to fight for us and our nation. 

I am grateful for President Donald J. Trump for all he does for us as the president of the United States of America.  I am also grateful for his team of lawyers, who will not be intimidated by the left, who are fighting to preserve our Constitution, to preserve the sanctity of our elections, and to preserve our freedoms. 

That's my two cents.

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