Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Voting Is More Than a Right

Voting is more than a right.  It is a sacred privilege.  Here in the United States of America, we live in the promised land.  The greatest nation to ever exist.  

The founding fathers who designed the government were inspired by God to design it the way they did.  There are checks and balances amongst the three branches of government.  It was designed to keep the government from becoming too big and too controlling.  It was designed to give us -- the citizens -- freedom and liberty and a voice!  

We all have a say in who will govern us and the issues facing us.  Nobody has more say than anyone else.  We all get one vote. Every vote counts.

I have voted in every election that I possibly could big and small.  And I consider it a sacred privilege to do so.  Many people have fought and died to give us that right and to protect that right.

The 19th amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified 100 years ago.  Before that I would not have been able to vote.  100 years is not very long.  Voting is a precious right and privilege.

Today is election day.  Go exercise your sacred privilege and right to vote by casting your ballot for President Donald J. Trump.  He is the only candidate who will protect the Constitution and protect our freedoms and liberties.

A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for communism/socialism.  If you enjoy freedom -- if you enjoy making your own choices -- then vote for President Trump.

Anyone voting for Joe Biden is either buffaloed/hoodwinked, deceived/brainwashed.  Or lacks intelligence to put it nicely.  To put it not so nicely they are stupid idiots.  And the third reason people would vote for Joe Biden is because they are just plain evil.

Anyone voting for Joe Biden possesses one or any combination of the above qualities listed.  None of which are qualities anyone should want to possess.

Vote for freedom, vote for liberty, vote for life, vote for truth, vote for right, vote for good, vote for choice, vote for President Donald J. Trump!


That's my two cents.


  1. Vote for FREEDOM!
    Trump 2020
    Let's turn this country red!!!!

  2. The libtards are cheating! We knew this would happen!! I pray for Trump and this country!

  3. All the fraud coming from the left is no surprise. 100% expected.
    Michigan produces 138,000+ votes over night ALL for Biden and not one for Trump--yeah, that's legit. They are terrible at everything they do--including their fraud. If they were any good, they wouldn't have to cheat.
