Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Florida Tampa Mission Christlike Affirmations

I'm a little burned out on politics right now.  So I'm gonna change gears a bit.

Several years ago I did an online search looking for the affirmations from my mission that we used to say every day.  I wanted to post it to my blog.  But I could not find them.  :-(

I knew I had the laminated card somewhere in my mission stuff.  But I couldn't go look for it and I didn't want to ask anyone else to look for me.  So I pretty much gave up on that idea.

Well, a couple of days ago I was talking to mom while she was going through some of her stuff.  She was naming off the different things she was finding.  Lo and behold she said Christlike affirmations. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I was so excited!  I knew she had my card from my mission!

I had Lisa help me scan it right away.  It was right before transfer so I couldn't post it that day.  I'm finally getting around to it a few days later.

Many things about missions are uniform and universal.  But there are a few things that the mission president asks his missionaries to do unique to that particular mission.  One of the things my mission president wanted us to do every day was recite the following Christlike affirmations out loud.

We were each given the following laminated card.  Every morning, as part of our routine, we would recite the Florida Tampa Mission Christlike Affirmations.  Out loud.  We couldn't just read them, silently, to ourselves.  There's something about saying things out loud that reinforces what you're saying.  It's somehow more powerful than just thinking it by reading it to yourself.  The same thing is true with prayer, I believe.  It's fine to pray silently sometimes.  But it's also good to pray out loud once in a while.

I think reciting these affirmations out loud every morning helped make me a better missionary, and a better person.


I focus on Christ.  I think and act in a Christlike manner.  I soak myself in the Scriptures and feast on the words of Christ.

I know that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ.  I exercise faith.  I visualize my prayers being answered and see myself reaching my goals.

I love my fellowmen.  I love the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ.  I like and appreciate myself.  I look for qualities I like in all people.  I smile at everyone I meet.

I am trustworthy.  I am totally obedient, dependable, and honest.

I am prayerful.  I begin and end each day with prayer.  I seek inspiration from the Spirit.  My heart is full, drawn out in prayer continually.

 I testify with bold humility.  As to my strength, I am weak, but in God's strength, I can do all things.  I speak to everyone I meet about the Savior and the restoration of His church.

I am diligent.  I press forward with steadfastness in Christ.  I have a sense of urgency in being about my Father's business.  I am excited about my work.  I find, teach and baptize every week.

I am happy.  My joy is full.  I am a positive person.  My thoughts are filled with gratitude, virtue, hope, charity, and love.

I love my mission, my companions, and all the people I meet.  I savor every minute and make every hour count.

I am committed.  I always give my best efforts to find, teach, and baptize the elect.  I am patient.  I am persistent.  I am valiant in my testimony of Jesus.


I think these affirmations would be wonderful for everybody to recite out loud every morning to begin your day.  Just change or remove the missionary parts and these Christlike affirmations could work wonders in your life.

I do believe there is power in positive thinking and positive reinforcement.  There is power in reciting these Christlike affirmations out loud.  There is power in repetition.

I know these affirmations helped me become a better, more Christlike, missionary.  Tailor them to what you want to improve in your life.  Read them out loud every morning.  And see how your life changes for the better.

That's my two cents.

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