Saturday, November 6, 2021

Let's Go Brandon

I'm not easily offended.  I can tolerate a lot of stupidity and ignorance without becoming offended.  However, I do find profanity/vulgarity offensive.  It is disrespectful and should not be used in polite society -- or ever for that matter.

I am so averse to profanity that I consciously avoid it whenever I can.  I don't watch movies with profanity.  Which basically means I don't watch any movies except cheesy Christian or Hallmark type films.  If I'm reading an article and there is an offensive language warning I will quit reading or won't click on the video link.  If I click on a YouTube video and hear profanity I stop playback and close it out.  In junior high and high school I used to wish I could close my ears like a seal so I wouldn't have to hear the profanity in the hallways.

So imagine my shock and dismay when I heard about the profane phrase being chanted at college football games, MLB games and apparently NASCAR events.  Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the sentiment and frustration of the American people concerning the Biden administration's destruction of our country, our freedoms, and their push towards communism and total control of our lives.  I, too, am frustrated and upset with Joe Biden and his evil cohorts for destroying our country, freedoms, and lives.  But, chanting profanities is wrong and brings the good guys down to the level of the bad guys.

Unfortunately moral standards have declined rapidly and many people are desensitized to profanity and vulgarity.  Even though we live in a world now where profanity is commonplace and generally accepted, there are still those of us who choose not to use it and feel it is disrespectful and inappropriate to use in polite society.  Especially those of us who are conservative.  Therefore, even though we understand and agree with the anti-tyranny sentiment behind the profanity laden chant, we don't participate in or condone it.

So, after a NASCAR race, when a news reporter, interviewing the winning driver named Brandon, stated that the crowd was chanting "Let's Go Brandon" instead of what they were clearly actually chanting -- which was the profanity laden "[expletive] Joe Biden", a euphemism was born.  

"Let's Go Brandon" is not only a euphemism for the profane sentiment being chanted at mass public events, it represents much more.  "Let's Go Brandon" is code for how true Americans feel about their freedoms being trampled, their country being destroyed, all the failed Biden administration policies, the utter disregard for Americans and our lives, and the pure evil of Joe Biden and his cohorts.

"Let's Go Brandon" is a phrase that polite conservatives have chosen to use instead of the profane.  Everybody understands the deeper meaning in the harmless encouraging phrase.  Even though it started as a euphemism, it means much more than the profane phrase it represents.  Conservative Americans, and every American who values freedom, are banding together in the "Let's Go Brandon" movement.  Patriots are uniting against tyranny by chanting "Let's Go Brandon".

It was reported that a Southwest Airlines pilot ended his instructions to the passengers with "Let's Go Brandon" and the leftists -- who have absolutely no sense of humor -- were up in arms.  They claim that the pilot was vulgar and dangerous and called for his job immediately.

That pilot was clearly deranged, offensive, and put passengers at risk for cracking a joke using a euphemism.  He should be fired immediately!

It's funny, in a hypocritical way, how the left/liberals/democrats are suddenly offended by a euphemism when they have no qualms about spewing all kinds of profanities and vulgarities about Donald Trump and anyone who opposes them.

It's okay to carry around a replica bloody severed Donald Trump head and wear private anatomy hats and spew all kinds of angry profanity -- that's not vulgar at all.  But don't you dare say "Let's Go Brandon" because that is extremely vulgar, profane, and dangerous. 

Regardless of the leftists feigning shock, horror, and disgust over the use of the "Let's Go Brandon" euphemism, we all know they don't care one iota about profanity and vulgarity.  What they are really angry about is people seeing through their communist agenda and evil façade -- and fighting back.

You may argue that euphemisms are just as bad as profanity.  And you may very well win that debate.  I am not justifying euphemisms.  As someone who eschews profanity, I personally am much less offended by euphemisms.  And right or wrong have been known to use them myself.  Euphemisms are generally considered innocuous and are much preferred in polite society.

So the leftists/liberals/Democrats acting offended at the euphemistic phrase "Lets Go Brandon" is laughable.  The irony and hypocrisy of the left is intense.

Patriotic, freedom loving Americans have had a gut full of Joe Biden and his fraudulent, oppressive, evil administration taking away our freedoms and destroying our country.  "Let's Go Brandon" sums up the deception of the media and Americans resistance to tyranny.  It has taken off like wildfire because it is a euphemistic code that everybody understands the fuller meaning of what it stands for.  It is a simple way to express disdain without using offensive profanity.

"Let's Go Brandon" has become much more than a euphemism.  It is a movement against tyranny.   

That's my two cents.

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