Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Hero Kyle Rittenhouse

I don't use the term, hero, freely.  In fact, a while ago I did a blog post about the overuse of the word hero.  The rampant overuse of the word, hero, is actually a pet peeve of mine.  It diminishes the meaning and takes away from actual heroes.

So, for me to classify Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero, is not small thing.  But I'm doing just that.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a true hero.

Granted, I don't know Kyle personally.  All I know about him is what I've seen and read about him.  I didn't watch the full trial, but did see plenty of video clips.  I watched part of his interview with Tucker Carlson after he was acquitted.  And I must say, I was impressed.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a very well spoken, polite, intelligent young man.  He is mature for his 18 years.  Coming to know his background, I am even more impressed.  He comes from a single mom, working-class home.  He was working as a lifeguard in Kenosha when the incident occurred last year.  He had previously worked as a fry cook and janitor to support his mother and sisters. 

Knowing he did nothing wrong in shooting three people in self-defense, he wanted to go straight to the police to turn himself in  -- despite some people telling him not to, he knew it was the right thing to do. Interestingly, he was unable to go to the police in Kenosha because they weren't allowing people in the police stations, so he had to go early the next morning to a police station in a nearby town.

Despite being understandably terrified, Kyle made wise, heroic split-second decisions throughout the whole horrific ordeal.

What defines a hero?  According to an article I recently read, the following defines a hero:

A 2011 study published in the Review of General Psychology asserts that heroism is characterized by:

Acting voluntarily for the service of others who are in need, whether it is for an individual, a group, or a community

Performing actions without any expectation of reward or external gain

Recognition and acceptance of the potential risk or sacrifice made by taking heroic actions

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology posited that heroes have twelve central traits, which are:








Moral integrity





Kyle Rittenhouse's actions on that fateful August night last year in Kenosha are literally the textbook definition of hero.  Kyle Rittenhouse exhibited every one of those characteristics and traits listed in the psychology journals.

Kyle saw lawlessness and destruction in his community.  He wanted to help protect his community from the domestic enemies attacking it.  And he did so without expecting any reward.  That is a hero. 

His actions that night very much parallel what soldiers do in fighting enemies in war.  Many 17-year-old young men have been asked, by our country, to defend our freedoms, much like Kyle Rittenhouse did.  Unfortunately, many of them were not as lucky as Kyle Rittenhouse, and were killed defending freedom.

Kyle's selfless, patriotic act of defending his community against domestic terrorists and rendering aid to those injured was an act of heroism.

What did Kyle get in return for his heroic act?  Murder charges, ridicule, defamation, libel, slander and hatred from ignorant, self-righteous, freedom hating hypocrites -- including celebrities, high-ranking elected officials, mainstream media and most notably the acting president of the United States, Joe Biden.

It is disgusting how the left treats people.  Especially how they have treated a young hero like Kyle Rittenhouse.

Despite half of the country and most of the mainstream media lying about and attacking Kyle Rittenhouse, in true hero style, he has taken the high road.  I can't imagine the pressure he has been put through and continues to face.  It would be hard enough for anybody to take, let alone an 18-year-old young man.  He has handled it with grace, humility, and maturity beyond his years.

Unwittingly, Kyle Rittenhouse has defended our second amendment rights, self-defense, and American freedom.

God bless Kyle Rittenhouse, a true American hero.

That's my two cents.

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