Monday, November 8, 2021

Aaron Rodgers Is Canceled

I'm not a fan of Aaron Rodgers.  I'll admit, I don't know much about him except that he is an NFL quarterback and was a dry host of Jeopardy! without much personality.  But this cancel culture attack on him because of his covid vaccination status is ridiculously absurd.

The story goes, as I understand it, that in an interview a while back, Aaron Rodgers said that he was immunized in response to a question of his vaccination status.  As far as I'm aware, Covid wasn't mentioned specifically, but it was certainly implied.  Now, Aaron Rodgers has tested positive for Covid. And the media and left are up in arms because, come to find out, he never received the Covid jab.

There is no concern for how he's doing or how sick he might be, the left is just attacking him for being deceptive and for not being "vaccinated".  Oh, but it's all about concern for everyone's health and safety and saving lives.

First of all, I don't believe claiming to be immunized is deceptive.  He didn't go into detail about what he was immunized against.  Yes, it was implied that he was immunized against covid.  But it wasn't a lie to say he's immunized.  He may very well be immunized against many diseases.  I don't know.  And I don't really care.  That's his business.

But I understand why people might feel he was being deceptive.  I honestly can't blame the guy for being vague.  Because anyone not taking "the jab" is villainized and treated badly.  Like second-class citizens with leprosy or worse.

It is so illogical to me that "unvaccinated" people are demonized and treated with vile.  Vaccines protect the person who is vaccinated.  If you are vaccinated, you are protected.  Why does anyone care whether anyone else is vaccinated or not?  It makes no sense.

Now, Aaron Rodgers has lost at least one endorsement deal and possibly his career with the rabid leftist attack on him, simply because of his covid vaccination status.

This "cancel culture", as they call it, is out of control.  The left are like rabid beasts destroying everything and everybody they don't like.  From tearing down statues of prominent figures in American history to destroying the careers of anyone who disagrees with their "woke" agenda.

It's fine to kill babies -- inside the womb and outside of the womb.  Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are en vogue and embraced.  Racism against white people is taught in schools.  But don't you dare deceive the media about your covid vaccination status.  That unfathomable crime is indefensible and punishable by death to your career, livelihood, and reputation.  You are canceled.

Many people actually wish death upon the unvaccinated who contract covid.  Let's see, which is worse, wishing death on people or choosing not to take an experimental "vaccine"?  That's a tossup.

Now, poor Aaron Rodgers is the left's latest target.  All because he happened to make a personal decision to take his chances with contracting Covid and allowed the media to believe he was "vaccinated" against covid.

I haven't heard of one professional athlete dying from Covid.  I've heard of several who have serious health problems now and have lost their athletic careers because of receiving the "vaccine".  So it seems to me that Aaron Rodgers may have made a wise decision.  But his choice defies the left's agenda.  Therefore he must be canceled.  The angry, unhinged, rabid leftists have been unleashed on Aaron Rodgers.

 Aaron Rodgers is now unjustly "canceled" by the left because he did not conform to their agenda.  What was his crime?  Contracting covid being unvaccinated while allowing the media to believe he was vaccinated.  Oh the horrors!

That's my two cents.

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