Monday, March 14, 2022

Crazy World

I haven't felt much like blogging recently.  And I still don't.  But after reading the news this morning, I want to comment on some of the craziness going on in our world.  I'm not going to take the time to lookup and add quotes.  I'm just going to give you my thoughts.

In the Scriptures this morning I was listening to Isaiah prophesy of the last days.  It certainly fits our world today.  Many times I have quoted the Scripture from Isaiah about calling good evil and evil good.  He also mentions wars and rumors of wars.  Obviously that's an ongoing thing.  One Scripture in particular mentions that instead of well set hair there will be baldness.  I always thought this was a bit strange.  A lot of the things Isaiah says are strange and hard to interpret.  But now I understand at least this  particular scripture.  Lisa and I both suffered hair loss after Covid.  Thankfully it was not a complete baldness.  But, disease, pestilence, pandemics, illnesses are all prophesied in the last days.  We see all of this happening all around us.  We are most definitely in the last days.  The last minutes of the last hour of the last days.

Isaiah also mentions the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We are already there.  In fact one of the news articles I read this morning was about some dude I have never heard of, Pete Davidson, bragging to Kanye West about being in bed with his wife.  Kanye's wife.  And he puts it on twitter for all the world to see?!  How sick is this world?  People are now bragging about committing adultery.  Pure evil.

Another article I read was about transgender people regretting "transitioning".  Apparently today is de-transitioning day?  Despite what the media tells you, most transgender people are miserable.  A lot of the people in the article mentioned it being the darkest time of their lives when they "transitioned."  A lot of them had body mutilating surgery, and all of them messed with their sex hormones thereby permanently changing their bodies.  All of them who transitioned back to their real biological sex, claimed they are much happier.  Statistics prove that transgender people have a much higher rate of suicide than average.  It really has nothing to do with their bodies, it's a mental illness.  Most transgender people will readily admit to having suffered some kind of trauma or triggering event which led to their mental illness. Then pressure from society – schools, media, social media, even family – is what pushed them to "transition" to the opposite sex.  With no help from doctors who readily comply.  It's just so sad to me. I guess it's just me, but I feel like people should try to help the mentally ill, not harm them.

Yet another article talked about Hailey Bieber, Justin Bieber's wife, who recently suffered a stroke – a.k.a. a blood clot in her brain.  She's only 25 years old.  Blood clots to the brain (strokes) do not happen in 25-year-old healthy young women.  I can't help but think that she must be vaccinated against Covid. (It is well documented that the Covid vaccine causes blood clots.)  That's the most logical reason for a blood clot in a healthy young woman.  But you will never hear the media disclose the real reason for her unfortunate stroke.   The media is calling it a blood clot to the brain with stroke like symptoms.  Which I guess they feel is a more innocuous way of saying that she had a stroke.  I hope she makes a full recovery and doesn't suffer any long-term ill effects.

Then we have Prince Harry who is pulling a temper tantrum like a toddler.  He's refusing to go  to his grandfather's funeral citing security reasons.  Which makes absolutely no sense because I'm sure security will be higher at the memorial service of the Queen of England's husband than usual.  And there will be plenty of other famous royals there.  He's really doing it to spite his grandmother, the Queen of England.

Speaking of tantrum pullers, Collin Kaepernick announced on Twitter that he is working out, looking for receivers to run routes, in hopes of joining an NFL team.  This, after last year comparing the NFL draft and combine to a slave auction and slavery.  What a hypocrite.  If being paid millions of dollars to play a silly game is akin to slavery, why would Collin Kaepernick want anything to do with it?  The NFL has moved on from your toxicity, Collin.  You should do the same.

Oh, there's plenty more craziness in the news today.  These are just a few of the headlines I saw that I clicked on.  I really don't know much about these famous people – except that they are famous.  But this is what the news reports on.  And this is a conservative news source.  I can't imagine what the liberals are saying.
What is going on in this crazy world?

We have a president who is not even cognizant enough to run his own life, let alone the most powerful country in the world.  Those pulling his puppet strings are deliberately causing the downfall of this great nation.  Inflation, open borders, weakened military, just to name a few of the deliberate acts of the Biden administration.  We have a society that coddles and promotes debilitating mental illness.  Thereby  exacerbating misery in many people's lives.  We have people exclaiming, with joy, their sins to the world.  We have young, healthy people suffering unnecessary medical ailments so that pharmaceutical companies can get richer.  We have a man-made bio weapon virus that was unleashed on the world from China for political gain.  Causing every person on earth to suffer in one way or another.  And we are on the verge of World War III.

Makes me wonder, how much worse can this world get before the Savior comes again?  Reality is unreal.  Heaven help us.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Good article! I was thinking about symbols of repentance and I came across your repentance Home Evening lesson from 2016. Then I saw this was your most recent post. Here is a prophetic warning scripture that goes well with this topic: Ether 8:23.
