Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Do Unto Others

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram, I noticed a rude comment on Cesar Millan's post.  I didn't think much of it except that it was mean and unnecessary.  It irritated me a little bit.  But I kept scrolling.  Then I saw another rude comment by the same guy.  Now, I'm not one to comment on comments.  In fact, this is the first time I've ever done so.  But, I wanted to speak up and defend Cesar.  Not that he needs me defending him but I wanted the guy to know that his comments were not appreciated.

I took screenshots of our exchange on Cesar's Instagram post.  So it may not flow very well, but you'll get the idea.

Here is the first comment from johntrainsdogs that provoked my ire.

I just don't understand why people feel the need to be mean and rude to their fellow man.  What did Cesar ever do to this guy?

Here's the next comment that prompted my response:

John's comment is just facetious.  So, I just replied with the simple truth.  Then, of course John felt the need to reply to my reply.  He sounds like a broken record.  Then I felt like I had to correct him by disagreeing with his opinion.  Which was going to be my last response.  Until he asked me a question.

I called him out on his bitterness and disrespect.  Apparently that hit a nerve.  He then felt the need to ask me my credentials.  Apparently people have to have doctorate degrees, in his opinion, in order to be pertinent.  Since he asked Cesar and me both about doctorate degrees.  Luckily,  I just so happen to have a doctorate degree.

So, I politely answered his question.  Thinking that would be the end of it.  But, no, he had to respond once again.  Which, like a true liberal, he stated the same thing over again for the third time.  Liberals can't seem to think for themselves.  They just get a track in their brain which they repeat over and over, regardless of the question.  It's the same answer to everything.  They all sound like broken records.

So, I just let it go.  There is no educating these people.  It's a futile effort.  I gave him my two cents and that's all he deserved.

Obviously the guy has issues with Cesar's success.  And apparently this guy's mother never taught him the golden rule.  Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.  And if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  That's what most mothers usually teach their kids.  At least they used to – and still should.

I've always had a problem with people bullying others and with people being mean to others – especially the defenseless.  It's never okay.  I've always been one to stick up for and befriend those who others are mean to.  Cesar didn't need me defending him.  Like I said, his success speaks for itself.  He's obviously a more renowned dog trainer than John the bitter.  I actually feel sorry for people like John the bitter.  To go through life with such contempt for others' success is sad.

Please remember to always treat others with respect and dignity.  There's no need to cut others down to try to make yourself look better.  It just makes you look like a cheesebag.  Which, of course, you are if you cut others down and bully them.  If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  And remember the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Matthew 7:12 

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them…"

That's my two cents. 

1 comment:

  1. Funny how it says right in your name "dpm" and he asks, "and you are a doctor of...?" and proceeds to tell you that you should know the importance of education. :) He isn't even educated enough to know that dpm stands for doctor of podiatric medicine. Yet, there he is on his high horse.
