Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vegetable Garden Day Five

Dad helped me plant a garden last week. I have always wanted to grow corn, and this is our first attempt. We also planted zucchini and cucumbers and radishes. The garden was planted on Saturday, so today is day five. The radishes already started coming up yesterday! I'm hoping the rest will sprout by the weekend. I hope the fence dad worked hard on keeps the varmints out. A big thanks to dad for working so hard on my garden.


  1. Looks good Tam! It might be time to thin those radishes out already!

  2. Yes, I know I just told dad that we need to start thinning the radishes pretty soon.

  3. That's cool that your garden is already popping out!! Fun to see good results of hard work.

  4. dang man, looks great and i can't believe the corn is starting to pop up!!!
