Monday, May 16, 2016

Lala Land

I'm just going to vent a little bit because I've been wanting to blog all week but I've been sick.

This world is becoming more and more unreal everyday.  It's like everybody lives in lala land with their heads in the clouds.

I was reading Miss Manners as I usually do and there were several letters regarding entitlement.  Just a few examples: a man and his wife hosted a family barbecue.  Then proceeded to charge for the meal.  The brother was writing in saying he and his wife with their three-year-old and 19-month-old were charged $45 for the meal by his brother and sister-in-law.  And the parents were also charged for the meal.  And this was a family get-together.  Miss Manners pointed out that she receives letters every year from people being charged for Thanksgiving dinner at their family Thanksgiving feasts.

Another letter was from a woman whose sister was complaining to her that neither she nor their mother gave her a Mother's Day present.  Apparently she was a new mother. The sister informed her that she wasn't her mother and she did buy their mother a Mother's Day gift. So I guess word got back to their mother and she sent her complaining daughter a card.  So what does the daughter do? Instead of being grateful for the card her mother sent, she complains again to the sister that the mother didn't include a gift card!

Seriously?  What kind of lala land do these people live in? Unfortunately this kind of behavior is becoming the norm.

Then there's the whole media obsession with transgenderism.  Apparently now that the homosexual community has what they want with same-sex marriage and people being thrown in prison for not baking them a cake, They have to move on to transgenderism. They've got to find something to be angry about. This whole bathroom thing is ridiculous so I'm not even going to address it but I will say one thing.  It doesn't matter how much surgery you have, what kind of clothes you wear, makeup, etc. every cell in your body contains DNA in the nucleus which codes for your gender.  You can't change your DNA. Biologically you are either male or female.  If you are confused about that, that is a mental issue that needs to be addressed.  It's not a civil right.

Sticking with the media theme --  how about Fakebook. I stole that term from Rush Limbaugh.  This is not something that should shock anyone but it came out recently that the people doing the news feeds for Facebook hand select the liberal lies that they portray as news.  Conservative news is deliberately left out.

Perhaps this somewhat explains the lala land mentality of people.  I have long ago stopped watching or listening to mainstream media.  I know it's a bunch of garbage.  Liberal propaganda.  But obviously a lot of people are puppets and believe everything they hear in the media.

I could go on and on but I'm not feeling too well and this is getting long anyway.

It seems like we are becoming more and more uncivilized as a society.  Which brings to mind this Scripture: Moroni 9:11-12

"11 O my beloved son, how can a people like this, that are without civilization—

12 (And only a few years have passed away, and they were a civil and a delightsome people)"

The same thing is happening to us.  It doesn't take long.  You can see why The Book of Mormon was written for our day.

If you want to live in reality and stay out of lala land, Keep the Commandments, read The Book of Mormon, and avoid contaminating your mind with Mainstream media.

That's my two cents.

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