Monday, August 15, 2016

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke

Apparently there was a shooting in Milwaukee this past weekend.  A cop shot an armed thug.  And ignorant people who believe liberal lies are up in arms about it. Protesting, rioting, etc. 
Rush Limbaugh quoted from Milwaukee Sheriff, David Clarke, who hit the nail on the head and had some enlightened words he shared with the news media. Here's an excerpt from Rush
CLARKE:  Saturday night, the social order totally collapsed in a part of the city of Milwaukee.  And when that happens, tribal behavior takes over, and tribal behavior leads to the law of the jungle replacing the rule of law.  Here's what causes riots: We have inescapable poverty in the city of Milwaukee.  Milwaukee's like the sixth poorest city in America.  You have massive black unemployment.  I think it's at 32%.  You have a failing K-12 public education system.  It's one of the worst in the nation.  You have questionable lifestyle choices.  Some of this is self-inflicted.  All these kids with no fathers around, father-absent homes.  When fathers aren't around to shape the behavior of young men, they oftentimes grow up to be unmanageable misfits.  Those are the ingredients; Milwaukee has all of them.
Seventy percent of the kids born in Milwaukee, at least for the last decade or so, are born without an engaged father in their life.  So I look at the progressive policies that have marginalized black dads. They pushed them to the side and said, "You're not needed. Uncle Sam is going to be the dad.
"He's gonna provide for the kids. He's going to feed the kids," and so on and so forth. But Uncle Sam has been a horrible father. Uncle Sam does not love these kids.  It might keep a little food in their mouth and that's about it.  But we all know the importance of an intact family, what it can do to shape the behavior of kids. 
This has been a total collapse, a disaster.  These progressive policies have hit the black community like a nuclear blast.  And until we reverse this, this government dependency... That's what creates all of this, and it encourages it, by the way, along with some questionable lifestyle choices.  But until the black community does a self-evaluation and until they begin to self-criticize about some of the lifestyle choices they're making, this stuff is gonna continue to fester, and it's gonna continue.
RUSH:  Now, this guy is going to be just lambasted as an Uncle Tom, as a traitor, as a sellout, as a tool for everything he's just said here.  But he's right on the money, and it's nothing new.  This has been the result of two things:  Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, which led to the War on Poverty.  And of course, it was greeted with massive fanfare, total applause. "Look at all the caring that we're gonna do! Look at all the compassion we have. Look at what good people we are! We're gonna get people out of poverty!"
And they've done nothing of the sort.  All they have done is convince people that the government is Santa Claus.  And as the Republican Party is finding, Santa Claus is tough to beat.  Now, Santa Claus may not bring a whole bunch of stuff, but he brings just enough, and there's another ingredient to this that the Sheriff Clarke alludes to here when he talks about how the federal government has assumed the role of father.  He is dead-on right about this. 
But then he talks about the importance of an intact family and what an intact family can do to shape the behavior of kids.  Guess what else is under assault in this country and being redefined?  You got it! The family.  The nuclear family is coming under attack, and families are being redefined to become normal with whatever anybody wants their family to be.  As a result it's disintegrating one of the most fundamental building blocks of an ordered, mannered, cultured society.  And it's also being done on purpose.
The Democrat Party's done more to -- liberalism is the most destructive force in our country today, bar none.
Rush and Sheriff Clarke are both absolutely right.  The downfall of our society is the result of absent fathers and the disintegration of the nuclear family.  Anyone who says that "everyone gets divorced" and "the kids are fine" is a brainwashed idiot.  Yes, a lot of people get divorced.  A lot of parents selfishly walk out on their spouses and children.  A lot of children are born to single mothers out of wedlock.  But the children are not just fine, it destroys them.  Even Rush Limbaugh and the Sheriff of Milwaukee understand that.
 That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they are absolutely correct.
    Shame on those who destroy their nuclear family.
