Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Never Hillary!

I stole the title from Rush Limbaugh.  I read something on his website today that prompted me to do this quick blog post.

Hillary Clinton is clueless.  That's the nicest thing I can say about her.  I thought about a bunch of other adjectives but I want to keep this short.  :-)

Hillary Clinton sent out a tweet about the Olympics.  No, it wasn't sent to congratulate the first American gold medal winner on a job well done.  It wasn't sent to any winners.  By the way the first American gold medal winner at these Summer Olympics in Rio happens to be a woman marksman.  Yes, to the horror of liberals everywhere, there is actually a sport in the Olympics that uses guns.

Of course Hillary would never dream of congratulating an American woman who won the first gold medal at the Olympics.  Especially not a marksman.  That goes against everything she stands for.

No, Hillary's tweet about the Rio Olympics was to point out that an American Muslim fencer was the first American Muslim athlete to compete at the Olympics wearing a hijab.

Isn't that something to be proud of?  And to top it off, she lost her first fencing match and is eliminated.  Isn't that newsworthy?

So Hillary is promoting a religion that oppresses women while shunning true American athletes who actually won their competitions. And this is coming from the first female presidential candidate who supposedly supports women's rights?

 Hillary is not only clueless and out of touch with reality but is unpatriotic and anti-American.  She feigns equality and women's rights while her whole goal is to suppress freedoms and take away our American rights.

Hillary's entire life has been led with her objective being to become President of the United States.  She will do and has done anything to get it.  Including murder.  Why she is not in prison is beyond me.  But what's even more preposterous is that she is a candidate for President of the United States.  Absurd!  Ridiculous!  Disgusting!

The fact that approximately half of the people in this country fall for her lies hook line and sinker is beyond unfathomable. How anyone could even think of voting for her is beyond me.

Never Hillary!

That's my two cents.


  1. Totally agree Tam! It is so disgusting! I went ahead and put the Rush Limbaugh story on facebook and said what a disgrace she is ! I got my hillary for prison bumper sticker and shirt yesterday! wearing it proudly and also put the bumper sticker on our truck!

  2. I get disgusted that I keep hearing all of these stories in the news about the latest criminal act from Hillary--yet NOTHING happens. She is still walking the streets and not behind bars where she belongs. It is unfathomable that she is allowed to run for President of the United States of America.
